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No they do not.

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Q: Does the sims 3 games include vampires without the expansion?
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Do any of the sims games have blood?

The new expansion pack "Late Night" for the sims 3 has blood your sims can become vampires and they need to suck "plasma" which is the sim equivalent to blood the expansion is released on October 26, 2010

Can you save on n64 without pack?

Only certain games don't need the expansion pak or the controller pak.

How do you play zelda majoras mask without an expansion pack?

No, it cannot be played without an Expansion Pak. They can be bought from eBay, or possibly in local classifieds. If you play it with a regular Jumper Pak, a screen will tell you to put in an Expansion Pak. I hope this helps!

What games on PS2 have vampires?

The soul reaver saga.

Do vampires like video games?

There is no scientific proof that vampires or anything of the like exist. I do believe that if they do/did exist, they would enjoy video games as much as any other person.

Can a expansion pak play every Nintendo 64 games?

Yes, an expansion park can play every Nintendo 64 games.

How do you turn into a semi vampire human by day vampire by night?

You don't. Except in games. Vampires do not exist.

What are some popular vampire video games?

Some of the popular vampire video games include "Minecraft Mod Showcase : VAMPIRES!", by SkyDoesMinecraft "Minecraft Vampire Mod Game", by crazykockasskate1988 "Marik plays Bloodlines- Part 1- MASQERADE" by ObeyMyRod

How you make vampire?

You cannot except in your imagination or games. Vampires are fictional.

What have blizzard entertainment games invented?

They have created many series of games, which include: Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (expansion) Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Warcraft III: Frozen Throne (expansion) Starcraft Starcraft: Brood War (expansion) Starcraft II (in production) Starcraft Ghost (in production... maybe?) Diablo Diablo II Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (expansion) World of Warcraft World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (expansion) World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (upcoming expansion)

What is the best unknown teen book without vampires?

the Hunger Games (series) by Suzanne Collins are my favorites. 1) the Hunger Games 2) Catching Fire 3) Mockingjay They're for teens. they're awesome. and 100% vampire-free.

Can vampires make a human into a vampire?

Only in books, movies, and games. Otherwise no since vampires are myth and only exist in make believe and superstition.