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Q: Does the size of a parachute affect how long it will float in the air?
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How does size affect the speed of a falling parachute?

The larger the size of the parachute the more air resistance is caused because its larger surface traps more air. Becuase there is more air resistance the larger the parachute the slower it travels to the ground. The smaller the parachute the faster it falls to the ground for the opposite reason.

How does the size of the parachute affect the time it takes for the parachute to reach the ground?

It affects the time taken to reach the ground because the larger the area of the parachute the slower its velocity will be and consequently changes how long it takes to reach the ground. The larger parachutes will obtain far more air then smaller parachutes and have more air resistance and drag force.

Does size can affect floating and sinking?

To determine if an object will float in a substance, you look only at its density

How does the shape of a parachute affect how long it stays in the air?

Hey' I just did an experiment for grade 11 physics that i designed where i investigated the shape and size of the parachute. The shape of the parachute doesn't effect how long it stays in the air much. The main thing that the shape effects is the stability and the less stable the parachute the faster the person will fall. That is why parachutes are in that banana rectangle shape so that there is more stability to glide through the air, like a bird. As the shape changes how much drag there is. Circles are pure drag and take the longest to fall. McPhysics

Does size affect how well a material floats or sinks?

No!!!! The density of the material determines whether something will float or sink.

Related questions

Does the size of a parachute affect its performance?

Yes! I would not want to jump with a miniaturized parachute...

How does size affect the speed of a falling parachute?

The larger the size of the parachute the more air resistance is caused because its larger surface traps more air. Becuase there is more air resistance the larger the parachute the slower it travels to the ground. The smaller the parachute the faster it falls to the ground for the opposite reason.

How does the size of the parachute affect the time it takes for the parachute to reach the ground?

It affects the time taken to reach the ground because the larger the area of the parachute the slower its velocity will be and consequently changes how long it takes to reach the ground. The larger parachutes will obtain far more air then smaller parachutes and have more air resistance and drag force.

How does the size or shape of a parachute affect the way it works?

If the hole is bigger the parachute speed will decrease

Does size can affect floating and sinking?

To determine if an object will float in a substance, you look only at its density

How does the shape of a parachute affect how long it stays in the air?

Hey' I just did an experiment for grade 11 physics that i designed where i investigated the shape and size of the parachute. The shape of the parachute doesn't effect how long it stays in the air much. The main thing that the shape effects is the stability and the less stable the parachute the faster the person will fall. That is why parachutes are in that banana rectangle shape so that there is more stability to glide through the air, like a bird. As the shape changes how much drag there is. Circles are pure drag and take the longest to fall. McPhysics

Does size affect how well a material floats or sinks?

No!!!! The density of the material determines whether something will float or sink.

Does the size of a bouncy ball affect how high it bounces?

As long as they have the same density and mass, size will not affect it

In a controlled experiment a scientist is studying how long a parachutes of different sizes to fall on the ground what is the manipulated variable?

The size of the parachute

How do you design a parachute for a middle school project?

For a middle school project, you should design a parachute that is the right size for a small action figure. You can make the parachute out of an old pair of parachute pants.

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