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The small intestine absorbs the nutrients and passes the waste to the large intestine. The large intestine absorbs the moisture and some vitamins. The end of the large intestine, the rectum, is what excretes the waste.

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Actually, the small intestine absorbs nutrients from the foods or drinks you eat/drink, and all's that's left is water and fiber, your large intestine absorbs the water leaving the fibers left which leaves your body

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Q: Does poop exit from your large or small intestine?
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What is the main action of the small intestine?

Well when I was studying in school I learned that the small intestine is the long tube that carrys all your waste to the "large intestine" until it reaches the anus. And the wastes goes out the anus as the brown stuff we call "Poop".

What are the three functions of the small intestine?

The three parts of the small intestine are:duodenum- which is the first part of the small intestine where food is being completed with chemical breakdown.jejunum- which is the middle part of the small intestine - specializes in absorbing all the nutrients (except fat) into the body.ileum- which is the last part where the small intestine meets the large intestine... also where alot of bacteria sits and eats on the undigested food.

Where does the waste in a frog go inside the frog?

Just like humans and most animals, the food goes through the small intestine then large intestine as waste and exits through the anus as poop or urine.

How does the internal surface of the colon compare with the internal surface of the small intestine?

Small intestine has lots and lots of villi and microvilli for absorption, large intestine absorbs water and it has lots and lots of goblet cells that produce mucus so it's easier to remove waste (aka poop)

What does a pig's cecum do?

The cecum houses a large number of bacteria that help in digestion of plant materials, mostly cellulose, that remains undigested in the stomach and small intestine. This is done by the process of fermentation that helps in breaking down the plant fibers. The nutrients from cellulose are later absorbed by the large intestine.

What is an easy way to remember the digestive system?

(tune to row row row your boat:) chew chew chew your food chew it very well swallow it down into the esophagus, lands in your stomach dissolve, dissolve, dissolves your food the gastric juices do! when its done, it travels to your small intestine travel, travel, travel through the small intestine ends up going in through the large intestine poop poop poop it out, get it all out down the rectum, through the anus, land in the toilet.

What organ excretes fecal matter?

Poop, or feces, is excreted by the anus which is the terminal opening of the large rectum, a part of the large intestine or colon.

How did you make poop and pee?

Your excretory system helps you. By the way, the large intestine makes the shape of the feces ( poo ).

What happens in the to the food large intestine?

Toxins and undigested food goes into the large intestine. The main job of it is to absorb any remaining water from the stuff, then it stores the waste (also known as poop) until it comes out into the toilet. In the large intestine the food is dried out, the excess water being absorbed by your body. Most of the nutrients are sucked out in the small intestine but your body continues to extract nutrients in the large intestine. After that the waste travels through the rectum and through the anus and out of your body.

What goes into poop?

Poop is made of many things. When you dream, all of the things that happen later need to exit the body. This is why we poop. Many people will tell you that poop is made of excess food that we eat but they are wrong! Dr. Vick A. Monroe, Ph.D., Harvard

What is the job of the anus?

It connects to the large intestine so that feces can pass though to the toilet. IMPROVED its to excrete waste. (POOP)

What is the big intestine?

Its where the poop comes from.