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Q: Does the snail benefit from the hermit crab's action?
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What is the relationship between a hermit and a snail shell?

What I know of that is hermit crabs will eat snails. However, hermit crabs will often use an empty shell of a sea snail.

Where do sand hermit crabs get their shells?

Empty snail shells.

Where does the hermit crab get its shell?

Answer: Usually a sea snail's.

Do hermit crabs use snail shells?

not pet hermit crabs... they are too weak and fragile to keep the hermit crab save although wild hermit crabs might use them the would be sea snails which have harder shells

What type of shells do hermit crabs live in when they are in the wild?

Hermit crabs live in sea snail shells so the hermit crabs go in which ever shell they think will be comfy, like turbo shells. Also hermit crabs love shells with a pearl color inside.

What is the relationship between hermint crab and snail shell?

well mostly the difference between crabs and hermit crabs is that one is not born with a shell and one is. Also hermit crabs tend to be smaller

What animals do hermit crabs get their shells from?

Just about anything that will fit them, such as snail or conch shells.

What is the relationship between a snail and a hermit crab?

AnswerThe advantage is that they can hide in it. The disagvantage is they are very slow with it onspencer is also gay.

How are hermit crabs made?

the shells hermies use, are sea snail shells. The snail dies, gets washed up, and at lowtide the hermit crab will remove the snail and ocuppy the shell. If a hermie also sees another hermie with a shell they want, they will fight to the death to get the shell.

Could the sea anemone and the Hermit Crab survive without the relationship?

A hermit crab is very vulnerable without the snail shell, so you can expect it to get eaten, (or dry up for land hermit crabs), or injured before too long. Some species of hermit crabs actually don't use snail shells at all, however.

Relationship between hermit crab and snail shell?

Snail shells are formed biologically as the snail grows up. Hermit crabs occupy empty shells and other containers, instead.

What advantages do hermit crabs and snails have?

the hermit crab will either eat or use an empty snail shell that would then be abandoned. all thx to mrs. perrins enviormental science class :) Answer - Commensalistic .