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Q: Does the snow leopard eat giant pandas?
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Related questions

What is eats red panda?

The snow leopard and marten eat red pandas.

Who are the panda's predators?

mostly manLeopard, Wolf, Wild dogs, HumansFor more info type upWho is the

What do giant pandas always eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo.

Do leopards feed on pandas?

No because pandas and leopards don't live near each other.

Why are the mountain lions and leopards the Red Panda's enemies?

mountain lion and snow leopard are red panda enemies because mountain lion and snow leopard can eat the red panda

What would eat a giant panda?

The giant panda is the largest animal in its habitat and has no predators as an adult. However, snow leopards and jackals will kill and eat young pandas.

Who eat pandas?

Chinese folk, Vietnamese folk, and Lau folk.

Where do giant pandas spend most of their day?

giant pandas eat all day

What kind of shoots do pandas eat?

Giant pandas eat bamboo shoots.

For who does the panda have to watch out?

Poachers , the giant panda has to watch out for Poachers!

What do wild giant pandas eat?

well wild giant pandas eat bamboo,honey,eggs,fish,yams,shrub leaves,bananas and oranges (im not kidding about the honey)

Do giant pandas eat animals?

no they do not. they eat bamboo.