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A solar eclipse can happen only in places that are in daylight. While those places are in daylight, there are, of course, other parts of the earth where it is night. So a solar eclipse can happen when some parts of the earth are at night, but it can happen only where it is daylight.

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Q: Does the solar eclipse happen during night?
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What happens if you were born on the eclipse?

Nothing will happen if you are born during a solar or lunar eclipse.

Can a solar eclipse be seen at night?

A solar eclipse at night is not possible.

Does the earth's shadow make night on the moon?

No. It causes and eclipse, so it is darker, but not actually night time. Like on Earth, night on the moon is when the a part of the Moon is not facing the Sun. A solar eclipse on Earth, which is caused by the Moon casting a shadow on Earth, causes darkness, but not night time. A solar eclipse can only happen during day time.

Why it will get over in 6Min if one eat during solar eclipse and what exactly does it mean?

There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't eat during a solar eclipse. The only difference between a solar eclipse and night time is that at night the sun's light is blocked by the ground under your feet, and in a solar eclipse, the sun's light is partially blocked by the moon.

What would happen to the temperature of the air during a solar eclipse?

Because the sun's light and heat is blocked during a solar eclipse, the air gets cooler.

When do eclipse occur?

it occurs in the day time!sophie griffith-lucas occurs it!

Why does a solar eclipse happen during the day?

A solar eclipse happens during the day because it occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, casting its shadow on Earth's surface. The Moon blocks the sunlight, causing a temporary darkness on Earth known as the eclipse. However, not everyone on Earth experiences a solar eclipse during the day as the eclipse's visibility depends on the viewer's location.

Do the birds stop sing during a solar eclipse?

Yes, but only during a total solar eclipse as it gets dark enough to trick birds into thinking night has fallen.

Do solar eclipses occur at night?

yes it can be night in America and day in India and at India there can be a solar eclipse happening :-)

Does solar power work during an eclipse?

It would during a solar eclipse, but probably not during a lunar eclipse.

Does a total eclipse occur during a new moon?

A solar eclipse can only happen at the time of New Moon.A lunar eclipse can only happen at the time of Full Moon.

Can a total solar eclipse happen during sunrise sunset or twilight in relation to an observer?

It can happen at any time of day - while the Sun is above the horizon, of course, otherwise you won't see a solar eclipse.