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Yes they do you have to go on YouTube

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Q: Does the songs in Justin Bieber albums have lyrics?
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How many songs does Justin Bieber have on both of his albums?

On Justin Bieber's Albums There R 7 Songs On His First One And 10 On The 2 One.

How many songs has Justin Bieber on his albums in total?


Is Justin bieber going to be at the Oscars 2011?

No. His movie was not nominated and none of his albums or songs were nominated.

How many songs did Justin Bieber record?

Justin Bieber has recorded @ songs but has his debut album coming out on Nov.17he sang 47 songs in all just go to lyrics .com you"ll see!!

How may songs does Justin Bieber have?

Justin bieber has 20 songs now

Where can you download Justin Bieber songs?

You can download Justin Bieber songs on itunes.

How many songs has Justin Bieber sung?

How many songs has Justin bieber sang

How many songs are on misltoe by Justin Bieber?

There are two Mistletoe albums. One is the special edition and it has 14 songs on it. The other one is just the normal album and it has 11 songs on it.

How many songs has Justin Bieber made?

Justin Bieber has made about 30 to 45 songs.

Does Justin Bieber have a CD yet?

Yes he does, he has 'My World' You should buy it and check it out. That's the CD that he has...... And you could also get his songs on ITunes.. Justin Bieber has two albums out right now... "My World" and "My World 2.0".

Did Justin Bieber have 23 songs?

No Justin Bieber currently has 17 songs but I guess eventually he'll have 23 songs

Why does Justin Bieber write all of his songs about love?

Justin Bieber doesnt write most of his songs!