


Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is a Canadian singer that started his professional career on YouTube. He was then discovered by Scooter Braun, who later became his manager.

6,987 Questions

Is it bad for a 14 year old to date a 20 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is bad how can a person who is 98 date a Peron who is 27 that is raping

Why should you never turn the coarse objective knob downward?

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Asked by Wiki User

Turning the coarse objective knob downward can cause the objective lens to come in contact with the slide, potentially damaging both the lens and the slide. It is best to always start with the coarse knob in the upward position to prevent any accidental collisions.

Which has greater air pressure cold air or warm air and why?

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Asked by Wiki User

Warm air generally has lower air pressure than cold air. This is because warm air is less dense and has higher moisture content, causing it to rise and create areas of low pressure. Cold air is denser, sinks, and creates areas of high pressure.

Can Justin Bieber text you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Um............ Well if you know Justin Bieber's real cell phone number than yes. But if you don't you can call his mobile fan club to leave him a message after you join the mob. Here is the number to call 1-404-665-3410!

What are the chances of being sterile?

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Asked by Wiki User

The chances of being sterile vary depending on the underlying cause. Some common factors that can lead to sterility include age, genetics, infections, hormone imbalances, and lifestyle choices. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for a personalized assessment if you have concerns about fertility.

How many ten year old stars act on nickelodeon and what are there names?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not sure about the exact number of ten-year-old stars on Nickelodeon, but two popular young actors on the network are Millie Davis and Julian Lerner. They have appeared in various Nickelodeon shows and have gained recognition for their performances.

Why is the phrase Matter can never be created or destroyed stated as a fact for how can existence be here if it never was formed?

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Asked by Wiki User

The phrase "matter can never be created or destroyed" is a reflection of the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass in a closed system is conserved over time. This doesn't mean that matter has never been formed, but rather that in any physical or chemical process, the total mass remains constant. The existence of matter arises from processes like the Big Bang, where existing matter is transformed rather than created or destroyed.

Why would an almost 13-year-old have breasts like a flat board?

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Asked by Violinpro

It is normal for individuals to develop at different rates during puberty. Some children may experience delayed breast development or have smaller breasts due to genetics, body composition, or hormonal factors. If concerned, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for an evaluation.

Why do people hate weed?

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Some people may have negative perceptions of weed due to social stigma, misinformation, personal beliefs, or past negative experiences. Additionally, concerns about its effects on health, safety, productivity, or legal implications may also contribute to the dislike of weed among certain individuals.

What are colombian women like?

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Asked by Blackzeus

Colombian women are known for being friendly, family-oriented, and passionate. They are often described as strong, independent individuals who take pride in their appearance and value relationships with their loved ones. These women are also known for their warmth and welcoming nature.

Why do women like to be humilated?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's not accurate to say that all women like to be humiliated. Preferences for sexual activities and dynamics vary greatly among individuals regardless of gender. It's important to communicate openly and respectfully within a relationship to ensure that both partners are comfortable and can explore their desires in a consensual manner.

Why do women like money?

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Asked by Wiki User

Women, like men, appreciate financial security and stability. However, it is unfair to generalize that all women are solely motivated by money. Personal values, upbringing, and individual goals play a significant role in a person's attitude towards money, regardless of gender.

Why are moms nice?

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Moms are often nice because they have a strong nurturing instinct towards their children. They care deeply for their well-being and want to provide love and support. Additionally, societal expectations and cultural norms often place value on mothers being kind and caring.

Does South Carolina have laws regarding dating ages because your 19 year old son is dating a 15 year old girl whose father does not approve solely because of the age?

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Asked by Wiki User

In South Carolina, the age of consent for sexual activity is 16. However, the father may have concerns about the age difference between your son and his daughter. It's important to consider the emotions of all involved and communicate openly to address any concerns.

How many people have the surname bieber?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many people with the surname "Bieber" around the world, but a precise number is difficult to determine as it varies over time and across different regions. The surname "Bieber" is more commonly associated with the Canadian singer Justin Bieber.

How many humans worldwide have bieber fever?

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It's difficult to estimate the exact number of people worldwide who have "Bieber fever," but Justin Bieber has a large fan base with millions of followers on social media and fans attending his concerts globally. The term "Bieber fever" refers to extreme enthusiasm for Justin Bieber and his music.

Is it legal for a 16 year old to date an 18 year old in the state of Indiana?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Indiana, the age of consent is 16, so it is legal for a 16-year-old to date an 18-year-old. However, keep in mind that laws can vary depending on the nature of the relationship and the state's specific laws regarding sexual activity between minors and adults. It is important to be aware of any potential legal implications.

Can the parents of the 18 year old girl press charges against her for dating a 15 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most places, parents cannot press charges for their child dating someone younger. However, depending on the age of consent laws in their state or country, the 15-year-old's parents could potentially press charges for statutory rape. It's important for all parties involved to be aware of and follow the laws in their jurisdiction.

Is it illegal for a 18 year old to be dating a 17 year old in tha state of Connecticut?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Connecticut, the legal age of consent is 16. Therefore, as long as both individuals are above the age of consent, it is not illegal for an 18-year-old to date a 17-year-old.

Can a 20 year old male legally date a 16 year old female in Tennessee?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Tennessee, the legal age of consent is 18. Therefore, it is illegal for a 20-year-old to date a 16-year-old as the 16-year-old is considered a minor and unable to provide legal consent. Engaging in sexual activity with a minor under the age of consent can result in criminal charges.

Is it illegal for a 14 year old girl to be dating an 18 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many places, it is illegal for a 14-year-old to date an 18-year-old due to age of consent laws. These laws are in place to protect minors from potential exploitation or harm. It's important to be mindful of the legal implications and power dynamics in relationships involving individuals with significant age differences.

Is it illegal for a 14 year old girl to date a 19 year old guy?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is generally illegal for a 14 year old to date a 19 year old due to age of consent laws. In many places, the age of consent is 16 or 18, making a relationship of this nature illegal. It is important to respect and follow the laws in place to protect minors from potential harm.

Is illegal for a 16 year old to date a 12 year old?

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It is illegal for an adult to engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with a minor, regardless of the age difference. However, laws regarding relationships between minors can vary by jurisdiction. It is advisable to seek legal advice to understand the specific laws in your area.

Can a 11 year old date an 18 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not legally permissible for an 11 year old to date an 18 year old as there are laws in place to protect minors from potential exploitation. It is important to consider the significant age difference and potential power dynamics at play in such relationships. It is important for individuals to date within an appropriate age range to ensure healthy and safe relationships.

Is is illegal for a 16 year old to date a 11 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is illegal for a 16 year old to date an 11 year old as it can be classified as statutory rape or sexual abuse due to the age difference and laws protecting minors from exploitation. Additionally, an 11 year old is not at the legal age of consent to engage in a romantic relationship.