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Q: Does the southern hemisphere receive more sunlight than Antarctica?
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Why does the northern hemisphere receive more sunlight than the southern hemisphere?

Whichever hemisphere (the Northern or Southern Hemisphere) is tilted toward the sun receives more direct rays of sunlight (or rays that are closer to perpendicular or a 90° angle). The hemisphere tilted toward the sun also has more hours of daylight than the hemisphere that is tilted away from the sun

When does the southern hemisphere receive most direct sunlight?

In the Southern Hemisphere, the most direct sunlight is on 21 December.Seasons in the Southern Hemisphere are the exact opposite of those in the Northern:First day of Spring is 21 SeptemberSummer Solstice (longest day of the year) is on 21 DecemberFirst Day of Autumn is on March.and Winter begins on 21 June ...

What time of the year does the southern hemisphere receive sun?

It receives sunlight all year, it gets more in Autumn and Winter.

What happens on December 22?

The sun is at the tropic of Capricorn places around the tropic of Capricorn will receive sunlight . The southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and the and the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun . The southern hemisphere receive 6 months of daylight and the northern hemisphere receive 6 months of darkness . The southern hemisphere has long days and short night . This is called Winter solstices.

How does the sunlight you receive in the northern hemisphere compare to the amount in the southern hemisphere?

The northern hemisphere receives approximately 3% more sunlight than the southern hemisphere. It will continue receiving more for several thousand years then the situation will reverse. in addition to orbiting the sun, the earth has 3 other motions around the sun. They all converged about 10,000 years ago and melted the glaciers in the northern hemisphere.They occur at different rates. Around 200,000 A.D. they will converge in the southern hemisphere and send the northern hemisphere into another ice age.

What causes the north pole and Antarctica to have polar climates?

They do not receive direct sunlight

Why do the south facing sides of a building receive more sunlight than the north?

Because we live in the Northern Hemisphere. The most sun exposure on Earth is at the Equator so in the Northern Hemisphere, the southern-facing windows have the largest angle facing the sun while the northern-facing windows face away from the sun. In the southern hemisphere, this is the opposite.

In what month will the Northern Hemisphere receive the most direct sunlight?

In march if you look at a picture of the moons surface.

How can you tell which side of a tree gets more sun?

If you're in the northern hemisphere, the south side of the tree will receive more sun. If you're in the southern hemisphere then the north side of the tree will receive more sun.

What is it called when northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere receive the same amount of light?

It is called an equinox and it happens twice a year, once in March and once in September.

March 21st is an equinox What part of Earth is directly beneath the Sun on that day?

Don't understand your question. Equinox means "equal night", meaning the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere both receive equal amounts of day and night. It signifies the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of Fall in the southern hemisphere.

In what season does the northern hemisphere receive direct sunlight?

Sunlight is always direct unless it bounces off something. What varies is the angle at which the sunlight hits the Earth. The nearer to 90 degrees that angle is, the greater its warming effect. The actual angle depends on the latitude, but in northern summer, the sun's rays hit the northern hemisphere at the greatest angles.