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the ---------- contains food for the embryo?

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7y ago

Plants do not have eggs, they have seeds.

Yes, a plant seed does contain food for the plant's embryo.

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Do plant seeds contain food?

Yes, the cotyledons in the seed provide the embryo with nutrition until it has germinated and self sufficient

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Is a seed living or nonliving How do you know?

Seeds are alive. They contain an embryo plant which uses the endosperm inside the seed for food until they are planted.

What contains food in the plant embryo?

A plant embryo needs only good soil, sunlight, and carbon dioxide (CO2) to grow into an adult plant.

What needs to happen before the plant embryo can push its way out the seed coat?

The embryo is the baby plant. It has an embryo root to push its way eventually out of the seed coat, and embryo stem, and embryo leaves which will later start food production.

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the roots

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Does seeds contain embryo and food?

i am hundred persent sure that seeds contain food, but like a seed grows right? so it should also contain an embryo for the seed to break apart and the living organism to survive using soil and light. so in a different way to humans it should have an embryo

What has a protective coat around a plant embryo?

An embryo inside the seed coat may contain two cotyledones, a radicle and a plumule etc., if this seed belongs to dicot; if it is a monocot seed, the embryo will have a scutellum, an epiblast, a coleoptyl, a coleorhiza and plenty of endosperm.

What is the main source of food?

The main source of food are plants. They reproduce by the union of the egg cell and sperm cell. This is called 'Fertilization'. When this happens, the plant can form a new plant called embryo. In order to reproduce, we will need the reproductive part of a plant. The main reproductive part of the plant is the flower which has petals, sepals pistil (female reproductive part of a plant), stamen ( male reproductive part of a plant) stigma, filament and anther.

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