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Q: Does the sun's mass control the motions of the planets?
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Are all planets considered suns?

No planets are called suns. The Sun is the starat the center of the Solar System

The mass of land that we call earth once was?

Primordial Mass and Energy.Everything we and the planets are made of came from a sun at one time or another. Hot gas from the sun cools and becomes dust, that collects into molecules and eventually rocks which all form ed the planets, asteroid and such by the force of gravity collecting them together.Even suns are made up of other suns. The only suns that were not are population 1 suns - which coalesced out of the gasses of the universe until the pressure ignited it.

Could Saturn or Jupiter have turned into suns?

no - they're planets. Suns are stars.

Do all the planets have smaller planets orbiting them?

No. Planets orbit suns, while moons orbit planets. Planets do not orbit planets.

How is the suns gravity so strong?

That's because the sun has so much mass ... practically all of the mass in the solar system, and way more than all the planets combined.

Is stars planets?

No. Stars are like suns, around which planets may orbit.

What are the names of the suns natural satellites?

there called planets

What planets size is most like the suns?


Which planet has the most suns orbiting around it?

Planets do not have suns orbiting around them. Suns have planets orbiting around them. The planet in our solar system with the highest number of discovered moons orbiting around it is Jupiter, with over 100.

What is the mass of the earths mass compared to the suns Mass?

ur mother

How the planets emitting light?

They are actually reflecting the suns light

Does the suns gravity keep the planets in orbit around it?
