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The Sun moves in an orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

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Q: Does the sun move or does it stay in one place?
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Does the sun rotate or does it stay in one place?

The Sun rotates on its axis. Other planets rotate around the Sun. It takes 365 days for the Earth to orbit (move around) the Sun.

Do all planets stay in one place or do they revolve in orbit?

The planets turn about their axes (rotate), and move in orbits about the sun (revolve). They are all in dynamic motion all the time. Welcome to the music of the spheres. Planets (all of them) are continually in motion. They all revolve on their axes and move about the sun in their orbits. This is the music of the spheres.

When the sun set do it travel to a different galaxy?

no, the sun does not move, however we do, but we stay in the same galaxy

What state does the sun always stay out?

There is no place on earth where the sun is always up.

If the earth rotates from west to east why do the sun and stars move from the east towards the west?

Stare at a picture on your wall. Turn your head to the left. Notice that the picture appears to move to the right? Its the same. The stars stay in the same place, you move relative to them.

Does the sun do not move from its place?

it does not because it does not orbit the moon or the earth

How do mushrooms move Not how they move from place to place but if ex. grow toward the Sun?

Mushrooms grow straight up and has little to do with the sun as the grow best in cool dimly lit places

What causes energy to move from one place to another?

Electromagnetic energy from the sun is absorbed by the grass, which changes it into chemical energy.

Why is the sun always in one place?

The sun is never in one place. It moves just like everything else in space. Gravity keeps the Sun moving in its orbit. Just because it is the center of our little solar system, it doesn't mean it doesn't move. It moves, and everything does along with it.

What makes the planets in space move in curved paths or orbits?

Because of the gravity of the Sun keeps them in place, but the reason why they're in their place and not going toward the Sun is that all the planets also have gravity which could also mean they're pulling each other to keep in place move around. An example could be that the children mostly pull each other but no matter how much they pull to each other they would still stay in place.

What causes the earth to stay in place?

The Earth is moving but the sun's gravitational pull keeps the earth in place.

Chevy cavalier sun visor wont stay in place?

Replace plastic bushing.