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Q: Does the train from Cardiff to Bristol go under the water?
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Related questions

When was Bristol Water created?

Bristol Water was created on 1846-07-16.

What is the body of water that is west of Bristol England?

The Bristol channel - which leads to the Atlantic ocean.

What services does Cardiff Bay offer?

Some of the services that Cardiff Bay offers include shopping, restaurants, bars and hotels. Cardiff Bay also has water activities and Attactractions.

Why can you not take a train to Hawaii?

Because it's an island, and that would be very difficult to build a train over or under the water, to Hawaii.

How do scuba divers dive under water?

The main feature is they use a self contained breathing system under water and they are trained to use the equipment. They also train in controling the bouyancy while under water.

What is the river Bristol Avon made of?

Goo... LOL jks Water

Why do train tracks have stones under the rails?

these have small stones under them so that the rails will not bend, also when it rains these rails wont sink in the mud and the water will filter through them.

Which train runs in a water?

Aqua train :p

Can dolphins train people to do stuff in the water?

Yes they can train people in many stuff in the water.

Are there any good places to go rafting near Bristol, Va?

There are over a dozen places to rent white water rafting equipment along the Watauga River in the Bristol, VA area.

How do they breathe so long under water in lost?

That''s a tv trick, most shows that have swimming under water are that way, it's so they can accomplish a task under water all in one breath, it is actually done in several takes. You can train yourself to hold your breath for longer and longer periods of time, but only professional free diver can do what they do on tv.

Where do you train venusaur?

the water in mt.silver