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Q: Does the tympanum send nerve impulses to the brain?
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Where will the brain send nerve impulses or hormones if the blood flowing through it has too much water?


What special features do brain cells have?

brain cell send impulses to nerve cells to make the body's muscles/other stuff do things

How does the optic nerve work?

The optic nerve is a group of nerve fibers that function to provide vision. The optical never works by transferring electrical impulses to the brain from a part of the eyes known as the retina.

How does the brain send and receive messages from our body?

The brain receive messages from the other parts of the body through nerve impulses.

What is a nerve cells job?

its if you hurt yourself eg. stub your toe then it will send a quick message to your brain telling it were it hurts so you know.

What is the bundle of nerve fibers that send messages to the brain which interprets them?

The nerves that carry impulses toward the brain are called efferent nerves. Afferent nerves carry impulses away. In way to remember this is afferent equals away.

What pick up the stimuli and send it to the brain or spinal cord?

Neurons, or nerve cells, pick up the impulses and send them to other neurons through axons and dendrites until it reaches the spinal cord.

Which two elements are needed to help nerve cells send electrical signals?

It's Sodium and Potassium are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses

What part of the nervous system has the responsibility for issuing nerve impulses and analyzing sensory data?

The answer is the central send impulses and the brain and spinal chord are used in this application.

What transmits sound waves to the inner ear making waves in the fluid in the cochlea?

The ossicles amplify the sound. They send the sound waves to the inner ear and into the fluid-filled hearing organ (cochlea). ... The auditory nerve sends these impulses to the brain. The brain then translates these electrical impulses as sound.

Where do nerve cells send the messages?

the brain

What is the nerve that sends impulses from the nose to the brain?

Quite a few, depending on what sensation you're interested in, but the cribiform plate is actually a part of the brain (the olfactory lobe), the only part of the brain that connects to the outside world directly.