

Does the umbilical cord slide back up once its cut?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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No. The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, which is the sack that the baby grows in. After giving birth, the placenta and the umbilical cord leave the body through the vagina.

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Q: Does the umbilical cord slide back up once its cut?
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What causes umbilical cord to attach on side of placenta?

The umbilical cord connects to the Placenta once it is in form to attach

Do chicken eggs have umbilical cards?

yes they do. but only while in the egg. the cord is connected to the yolk where it is able to feed. but when the chickens hatch, they dont have a umbilical cord. just a small space where it once was (only for a new born).

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Once you're born - no. The bellybutton is the scar left over from the umbilical cord, which you don't need once you're born.

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its a medical mystery. However, read on wisegeek that it has to do with the way it heals once the umbilical cord is severed at birth.

Do chicken eggs contain umbilical cords?

the chickens that i have dont. When a chick grows in an egg it does have an umbilical cord connecting it to the yolk to give it nourishment while it grows. Once the chick hatches it will come off in a day or two. I am not sure if the umbilical cord is there even if an egg isn't fertilized but I would guess that is what those white stringy things in our eggs are?

Why does the stump protrude after umbilical cord falls off?

The developing fetus is changing in size and shape, some more than others. Since it is not directly attached to the uterine wall, it can move about within the amniotic fluid of the womb, and can assume a variety of orientations. The umbillical cord has to be able to remain connected despite these positional changes, and to provide oxygen to the fetus as it moves outward through the birth canal during labor. Once the baby leaves the womb, the umbilical cord is cut, and the remaining cord is removed (part of the afterbirth).

How do midwifes cut the umbilical cord once a baby is born and what happens when she does cut it off will you or the baby bleed a lot?

I just recently had a baby and i cut the Umbilical cord and i didn't bleed at all they just cut it and its not all there but when you have your next kid you will do the same its smaller but it gets bigger each time you have a kid.

Storing Umbilical Cord Blood?

Anticipating the birth of a child is an exciting and joyful time. Expectant parents eagerly look forward to holding their new baby and begin making important decisions that will follow their child for a lifetime. One choice that many parents do not realize they can make is storing their baby’s umbilical cord blood. The collection and storage of umbilical cord blood gives parents the ability to provide potentially life-saving stem cells to their child, a family member or even a complete stranger. The stem cells in umbilical cord blood are unique and cannot be reproduced. Cord stem cells have the ability to grow into a multitude of cells including blood and immune system cells. Transplants of umbilical cord stem cells have many medical uses and can be used in the treatment or cure of many devastating diseases. Cord stem cells are also used in medical research. The collection of umbilical cord blood is not harmful or painful to the child or the mother. Blood is drawn from the umbilical cord after the baby is born. It is then sent to a storage facility and stored until it is used for medical purposes or research. There are two options in the storage of umbilical cord blood. Public banks accept donations of umbilical cord blood for use by the public. Once sent to a public bank, umbilical cord blood is listed anonymously by tissue type and is used for transplantation or research. Cord blood stored in a public bank cannot be guaranteed to be available if the donor or donor’s family develops a need for the stem cells later in life. There is not a charge to donate umbilical cord blood to a public bank. Umbilical cord blood stored in a family bank is linked to the donor. This blood can be retrieved by the donor or the donor’s family if needed. Parents maintain control or custody of the blood until the child reaches adulthood. Family banks generally cost from $1000 to $2000 in initial fees and then $125 annually thereafter. The collection and storage of umbilical cord blood must be arranged before delivery. Parents who wish to store cord blood usually begin making preparations before the third trimester. Mothers who are going to have cord blood collected should be sure their physician is aware and make it a part of her delivery plan.

In a fetal pig what is the scar that remains on the abdomen called?

The scar that you see on the abdomen of a fetal pig is where the umbilical cord was attached while they were inside of the female pig. This provided the baby pig with all the nutrients they needed.

Does the placenta help form the umbilical cord?

No, they are not. The umbilical cord is an actual cord that connects the baby to the placenta. The placenta is the lining of the uterus that is developed over the course of the pregnancy. The placenta is a "filter" through which the baby's food and oxygen is delivered via the umbilical cord. Once the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clipped and severed. The final, 3rd stage of labor, is the passing of the placenta. That happens 15-30 minutes after the baby is born. The placenta is then checked thoroughly, to ensure that is in intact, and that no pieces are left behind in the uterus. This is VERY important, because if any of the placenta is left in the uterus, it will cause an infection, high fever, can lead to infertility. If not removed, the outcome can be lethal.

When in labor what happens if baby poops?

Babies don't eat while in the womb. Nor do the breathe. they get fed nutrient rich blood through the umbilical cord.

What organ of the body does a fertilized egg connect to for oxygen and nutrition?

Once an egg is fertalized, it travels the length of the fallopian tube and implants in the lining of the uterus. There it devides and grows and receives oxygen and nutrients through the mothers blood. 1AnswerI believe it is the placenta. 2 Answeri believe that it is the umbilical cord, but i am not sure if its an organ at all 3