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Yes. If the ticket has a mandatory court date attached to it, there is a mandatory suspension from the Secretary of State for 3 months to 1 year, depending on past driving record, past criminal record, seriousness of the offense, etc. If the ticket is a town ordinance violation and can be paid at the police sation or city hall with no court involved, there is no penalty from the Secretary of State.

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Q: Does the underage drinking law in Illinois call for revoking your license?
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How long does underage drinking stay on your Pennsylvania driving license?

The underage drinking conviction will stay on a minors drivers license at least until the age of 21. When the minor turns 18, they can request the court for an expungement order.

In the state of Illinois can you purchase alcohol when you are 21 years old but still have an underage driver's license?

no u cant

You just got an underage drinking citation in Wisconsin will you lose your license- whats the minimum consequence i could get?


Can a parent or guardian who signed for the license request it to be revoked?

I believe so. If it was necessary for the parent/guardian to sign for it to be issued to an underage (or not otherwise qualified) individual, then it stands to reason that they can, likewise, withdraw their permission, which would have the efffect of revoking it.

What is the punishment for an underage drinking ticket in Illinois?

If one is caught driving while under the influence in Illinois one may face penalties of jail sentences of 5 days or more, licence suspension of 1 or 3 years, 240 hours community service and even more severe penalties such as a non pre-determined jail term.

What are the grounds for revoking a medical license?

the State Board of Medical Examiners

What is the penalty for a second underage drinking offense if you did not lose your license at all for your first offense and had to pay no fine because you completed a class?


Can young who are under the age of 17 be punished for DWI in Texas?

Punished for DWI and underage drinking. They would also likely lose their license.

Do you lose your license with a minor in possession of alcohol?

yeah you can i just got caught with underage drinking and i got my license suspended for 3 months plus a $300 fine or community service so stay away from the alcohal unless u no your not gonna get caught

Do schools have to notify your school if caught at an underage drinking party?

My guess yes. they usually try to screen clientele at such things as dances, dramatic club tournaments, ball games. I cannot imagine a school deliberately conducting an underage drinking party! obviously - let us prevent further carnage, automobile license could be revoked.

What is the legal consequences of underage drinking in Illinois?

$500-$100000 Fine. Min. 1 Year Juvenile Detention Center. Max. 20 Years in Juvenile Detention Center. Drug and Alcohol Awareness Classes. Min. 5 Year Probation. Driving License Prohibited min. 4 years. Basically Illinois got fed up with all the underage drinking and put some serious charges on it. Nothing good comes from drinking. So why would you want to risk a fun 3 hour night over the above charges that will stay PERMANENT against your record. yeah yeah that whole "when you turn 18 your minor's charges and records are dropped" is a bunch of bull $h1t.!

Can I exchange my Maryland driver's license for an Illinois license?

If you're a resident of Illinois, then yes.