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Q: Does the vertebral canal contains the spinal cord?
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What is present in the vertebral canal?

spinal cord

What organs in vertebral cavity?

Spinal cavity is one of the cavities in human body. It is a space between vertebrae through which spinal chord passes. It is also known as spinal canal or vertebral canal.

What cavity encloses the nervous cord?

The Vertebral Cavity This answer Above is WRONG... It is the dorsal cavity! both answers are technically wrong.. the dorsal cavity holds both the cranial and spinal cavities. the cranial cavity holds the brain and the spinal cavity holds the spinal cord.

Through what part of a vertebra does the spinal cord pass?

The central canal of the spinal cord. The central canal, also known as ependymal canal, is the cerebrospinal fluid-filled space that runs longitudinally through the length of the entire spinal cord.

What prevents Side to side movement of the spinal cord?

The spinal cord runs though the vertebral canal which protects it and keeps it in place.

What parts of the human body does the vertebral column protect?

spinal cord

What runs through the center of the vertebral column?

the spinal cord

What is the difference between spinal column and vertebral column?

because during the growth of human beings the vertebral column outgrows the spinal chord. that's why we don't find the spinal cord starting from lower lumbar region where lumbar puncture is done.

Does the spinal cord run through the spinous process?

Not really. The spinal cord runs through the spinal canal, which is anterior (in front of) the spinous processes, betwen two lamina and two pedicles, and posterior (behind) the vertebral body.

What organ protects the spinal cord?

Your vertebral column protects the spinal cord. Vertebral column is supported by strong ligaments. Most importantly the muscle tone is there, which act on vertebral column, to protect your spinal cord.

What is the main organ of the vertebral?

The spinal cord

What is the small channel in the center of the spinal cord that contains cerebrospinal fluid?

Central Canal