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Arteries carry oxygen to the muscles of the body.

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Q: Does the vessels carry oxygen to the muscles?
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What blood vessels carry oxygen to the body?

Arteries usually carry O2 to the body.

What vessels that carry oxygen to the heart?

Red blood cells.

What are the tiny blood vessels that carry oxygen rich blood?

The tiniest blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood are the capillaries. These capillaries form a bed. The arterioles that carry the blood into the bed are high in oxygen. The oxygen is released to the cells. The rest of the bed is low in oxygen and venules carry deoxygenated blood to the veins back to the heart.

What is the functoin of the blood vessels?

Blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removes CO2 and waste.

What vessels that carry oxygen to the myocardial cells are called?

Coronary artery

What vessels carry oxygen-rich blood throughout the body?

haemo globin carry oxygen to various parts of the body through blood

Vessels that carry oxygenated blood from heart to the organs?

The vessels that carry blood to the heart are called veins and the vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries.Arteries Always carry blood Away from the heart. Most are oxygenated except the pulmonary arteries which are low in oxygen and are going to the lungs to pick up oxygen.

Does blood carry oxygen to muscles so they can work?


What do red blood cells carry to the working muscles?


What vessels carry oxygen to myocardial cells?

The circulatory system and heart are vessels that carry oxygen to myocardial cells. They help send blood throughout the entire body each time a person's heart beats.

The vessels that carry oxygen to mycardial cells are called what?

Coronary arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to the tissues of the heart muscle. The oxygen diffuses within myocardial capillaries.

Which vessels carry oxygen-rich blood to the body?

Red Blood Cellsarteries