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Q: Does the weaker the wind the larger the particles that I can pick up?
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What are the 4 steps of wind erosion?

1. wind picks up smallest particles of sediment. 2. fine particles carried through air. 3.medium -sized particles skip or bounce. 4. larger particles slide or roll.

Why is wind an agent of erosion?

Wind can pick up small aggregates and soil particles and displace them in another soil series. Wind can also erode rocks by picking up particles of sand that then slowly erode at the exposed rocks.

Does wind sort?

Yes. Wind transports small particles more easily than large ones. Large particles are more likely to be left behind while small particles tend to be transported further than larger ones.

Stronger wind can carry larger particles of sediment?

Yes definitely! If you think of the very strong winds in a hurricane or a tornado, they can pick up massive pieces of debris, even cars! So yes the stronger a wind is, the larger sized sediments it can pick up.

Why is the wind effective in causing erosion in deserts?

Becasue the sand is light to pick up and carry, the wind takes it allong with it, and then the sand bashes into the rocks. These minute particles wear down, so instead of it being a few particles bashing in, it is millions. Because of the high number, the wind erodes rock much quicker.

What is a chemical or physical process in which rocks exposed to the weather are worn down by water wind or ice?

Smaller particles of rock are produced from larger particles.

How do the wind break rocks?

Strong winds pick up patricles of dust and sand as they blow. These particles scartch the surface of rocks. As the rocks are repeatedly scratched, they slowly wear away. Rocks weathered by wind change shapes. Some look like natural bridges while others look strange. Rocks weathered by wind may change in shape but the composition of the rocks remains the same. Hope that answered your question.

Why is wind very effective at causing erosion in the deserts?

Becasue the sand is light to pick up and carry, the wind takes it allong with it, and then the sand bashes into the rocks. These minute particles wear down, so instead of it being a few particles bashing in, it is millions. Because of the high number, the wind erodes rock much quicker.

How does wind cause erosion and deposition?

when the wind stops , its getting weaker and weaker because its slowing down and doesn't have as much energy when its blowing , so eventually drops everything.

What happens during a sandstorm?

During sandstorms, the wind will pick up particles of dust that is loose and can be blown for thousands of miles. The visibility during a sandstorm can be zero.