

Does the width of a paper airplane affect how far it goes?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Does the width of a paper airplane affect how far it goes?
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Does the wings of a paper airplane affect how far it goes?


How does the type of paper airplane affect how far it goes?

the lighter the paper the easier the lift.Heavey paper will drop quicker.

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i think the construction paper airplane will fly farther

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by with are grown nothing

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it's because of the air that help the airplane goes up.

Why does the size of the wingspan on a paper airplane affect the distance?

Because the larger/longer the wings are the more lift it recives. And the more lift it recives, the further it goes. I'm an airbus a330 pilot for lufthansa.

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No it only goes to the width

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It goes into a holding tank on the airplane. It is then pumped off when the aircraft is at the airport.

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It goes into a holding tank on the airplane. It is then pumped off when the aircraft is at the airport.

What tells you how fast an airplane goes?

Airspeed Indicator.