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The word "cinder" has a hard consonant sound at the beginning, specifically the hard "c" sound.

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Q: Does the word cinder have a hard or soft consonant?
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Does this word have a hard or soft consonant for a beginning letter geometry?

The word cinder starts with a soft consonant. When the 'c' sounds like a 'k' it is considered hard. When it sounds like an 's' it is considered soft.

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The word "grudge" starts with a hard g consonant. The soft g sounds like a j, such as the soft g sound at the end of the word "grudge."

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The word, circle has both a soft and a hard consonant. The first letter "c" is a soft consonant and the last letter , "c" is a hard consonant. That makes the first letter , "c" sound like the letter, "s", while the second letter, "c" sounds like the letter, "k".

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The word "cycle" has a hard S sound (SY-kull).

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The word "throne" has a hard "th" sound, as in the word "think."

What is the difference between hard g and soft g?

The hard G makes almost like a K sound, but in a voiced sound or a voiced K, which is the general pronunciation and soft G makes a J sound. For the hard and soft consonants, we use C and G and these consonants sound similar but the C is the voiceless consonant while the G is the voiced consonant. If the G is followed by an E, I or Y, then it'll soften and make a J sound. If the G is followed by any other letters or at the word ending, then it'll remain hard.

Does cabaret have a hard or soft consonant sound for a beginning letter?

The first letter in "cabaret" is a hard "c", pronounced the same as the letter "k". A soft "c" sound is like the letter "s", and generally occurs only when the "c" is followed by the vowels "e" or "i" (or "y" acting as a vowel). For example, the "c"s in "center" and "citation" are soft. The "c"s in "cast", "corner", and "cupcake" are hard.

Does age have a hard or soft consonant?

'Germ' has a soft consonant sound at the beginning, because it is pronounced with a 'j' sound instead of a hard 'g.' An example of the latter would 'gone,' or 'great.' Another example of the former is, 'giant.'

When to use -able or -ible?

Both -able and -ible suffixes are used to form adjectives indicating capability or capacity. The general rule is that if the root word ends in a hard consonant sound, use -able (e.g. dependable). If the root word ends in a soft consonant or a vowel sound, use -ible (e.g. audible).

Soft and hard TH word?

-th in smooth is hard as in words like there or then