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No. The O has a short U sound, and the EY pair has a long E sound.

A schwa is an unstressed sound, such as the final syllable of moneylender.

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Q: Does the word money have the schwa sound?
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Yes, the word "preview" contains the schwa sound in the second syllable. It is pronounced as /prɪˈvjuː/.

Is there the schwa sound the word open?

Yes, the schwa sound is present in the word "open." It occurs in the first syllable, where the "o" makes the schwa sound.

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The only vowel sound in the word climb is not a schwa sound.

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yes.the word pleasure have schwa sound.

Does the word alone have the schwa sound?

Yes, the word "alone" contains a schwa sound. In English, the schwa sound is often represented by the unstressed vowel sound in words like "alone," where it is heard as a short and obscure "uh" sound at the end of the word.

What is the schwa sound in qualify?

The schwa sound in "qualify" is represented by the first and last syllables, sounding like "kwuh-li-fai". It is an unstressed and often reduced vowel sound that is pronounced quickly and with a neutral mouth position.

Does the word answer have the schwa sound?


Does the word achieve have a schwa sound?

Yes, the word "achieve" has a schwa sound in the first syllable, pronounced as /ə/.

Does the word then have the schwa sound?

No because if you pronounce it correctly you will understand and see that it does not have the sound schwa in it.