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No. Not everyone experiences implantation bleeding.

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Q: Does there have to be implantation blood present to be pregnant?
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Related questions

Can you have implantation blood and not be pregnant?

If you have implantation bleeding then yes you are pregnant.

Can you still be pregnant if you have no implantation blood but all other pregnancy symptoms?

Yes. Many women never see any implantation bleeding. This is perfectly normal.

Does having implantation bleeding means pregnant?

Yes if you have implantation bleeding it means that you are pregnant.

Is it normal for implantation blood to last up to 6 days?

I'm not certain if this is considered normal, but I had implantation bleeding that lasted exactly 6 days when I was pregnant with my son.

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

When I went to the bathroom it wasnt exactly blood but it had a very small tent of red Is this normal when pregnant?

yes this is due to implantation.

Can you be pregnant without implantation bleeding?

Absolutely!! There doesn't have to be spotting at implantation for you to be pregnant. Answer Yes Implantation bleeding is rare every girl is different 1 in 3 women get Implantation bleeding if you don't you can still be pregnant Hope I help Good luck! From Pink Princess

You are 12 weeks pregnant and have implantation bleeding why?

If you are 12 weeks pregnant, it is not implantation bleeding. Consult your doctor right away.

Does implantation have an odor?

When I was pregnant I didn't have any odor during the implantation time

Can you have implantation without bleeding?

Yes you can,only about a third or pregnant women have implantation bleeding.

If you get your period and spot blood once almost 2 weeks later after unprotected sex are you pregnant?

Yes you could be pregnant. Take a test when you miss you period. It could be implantation bleeding.

Red Blood mixed with discharge Is this Implantation bleeding got it 9 days after period also can you still get periods while pregnant?

No,you might have had a miscarage and yes you can get your period while pregnant