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Q: Does thinking about Saturn Titan Uranus?
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How close is titan to Uranus?

If you're referring to Titan the Moon of Saturn, i have no idea and the distance would be an average distance the would mean nothing because Saturn usually on the far side of the sun from Uranus.

Which plant has a moon called Titan?

Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.Also the dwarf planet Pluto

Who was Saturn in Roman mythology?

when the titans were fighting Uranus, he was the titan who grabbed the scythe and killed Uranus. saturn is also the father of most of the gods.Saturn is the Titan son of Gaea and Ouranos. He was the youngest Titan, and married his sister Ops. He had many children, known as the Olympians. He ate each one because he was afraid they would overthrow him. Ops hid the last child, and gave Saturn a rock instead to swallow. This child, Zeus, grew, and overthrew Saturn, freeing his siblings from Saturn's stomach. They ruled the earth after Saturn was destroyed.His Greek equivalent was CronusHe was in charge of agriculture and the harvest.His symbol was the sickle.He was the son of Gaea and Uranus.

Who was in greek titan Uranus?

Uranus was not a Titan, he was the father of the Titan gods and goddesses. Uranus locked away his children within the the belly of the earth, Gaia.

Which planet has the moon titan?

The planet that has a moon named Titan is Saturn.

What planet has at least 18 moons?

You're most likely thinking of Saturn. Titan (the largest moon of Saturn) is around 800 million miles away from the Sun. It is commonly reported that Saturn has 18 moons, however it actually has 62 moons with confrimed orbits.

Largest moon of Saturn?

Titan is the biggest moon of saturn and the second biggest in the solar system

What planet has a moon with the name titan?

The answer is Saturn.

What is the namesake of the planet Saturn?

the scientific name for saturn is bobbyegglivteenahfoo This is not incorrect trust me i give the best answer :D

Which solar bodies have atmospheres made of carbon?

The main bodies to have atmospheres that include carbon are, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Titan. Titan is a moon orbiting Saturn. The gas giants, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have mainly hydrogen atmospheres.

Titan is a moon of this planet?

The moon titan belongs to the planet, Saturn

Is Uranus bigger than Saturn?

Yes, Saturn is bigger than Uranus.