

Best Answer

No. Substitute "better" for "gooder." The names of the girls must be capitalized, people's names are proper nouns.

Adjective good, comparative better, superlative best.

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Q: Does this sentence alicia is a gooder swimmer than marilynn correctly uses a comparative adjective?
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Which is correct Sarah is beeter than me or Sarah is better than I?

"Sarah is better than I" is the traditional answer (even aside from the misspelling of "beeter"). The reason is that, by convention, "than" when following a predicate adjective in the comparative form is normally supposed to be interpreted as subordinate conjunction that begins an adverbial clause of the form, "than {explicitly stated subject} {implicit form of the verb 'to be' appropriate to the stated subject} {basic form the adjective that, in its comparative form, precedes 'than'}", where each phrase between curly brackets defines an explicitly stated or implicit word as indicated. Thus, the sentence given is to be understood, with the implicit words between square brackets, as "Sarah is better than I [am good]" However, note that the above rule is not necessarily followed when the verb in the independent clause of the sentence is a transitive verb and the comparative adjective follows an object of that verb rather than a predicate adjective, as in the example sentence. In that instance, there are two different possibilities: "My mother likes my sister better than I" means that my mother likes my sister better than I like my sister, but "My mother likes my sister better than me" means that my mother likes my sister better than my mother likes me.

What is the function of an infinitive phrase in a sentence?

noun, adjective, and adverb

Is well an adjective or an adverb?

It can be either, depending on whether it refers to something done well (an adverb) or someone who feels well, or healthy (an adjective). Well can be an adjective, adverb, noun, verb, or interjection. Well is an adjective in this sentence: All's well that ends well. Well is an adverb in this sentence: I don't feel well. Well is a noun in this sentence: My dog fell in the well. Well is a verb in this sentence: Tears well up every time she sees that movie. Well is an interjection in this sentence: Well! I won't take that!

Is true a predicate?

Well, it depends on the sentence. In "that's true." it would be but it depends on the sentence. True, primarily is an adjective.

How do you change a comparative sentence into a positive- a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend?

A wise enemy is as good as a foolish friend.

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Does George has a bigger appetite than Harry use a comparative adjective?

Yes. Bigger is the comparative adjective in that sentence.

Does the sentence George has a bigger appetite than Harry use comparative adjective?

Yes, the adjective bigger is the comparative form of big.The superlative form is 'biggest'.

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"Darker" is an adjective in its comparative form.

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The grammar terms for "as boring as" are a comparative adjective and an adverbial phrase. "As" is a comparative conjunction used to compare the degree of two things, and "boring" is the comparative adjective that describes the level of dullness. The phrase "as boring as" functions as an adverbial phrase that modifies the verb or adjective in the sentence.

Which sentence uses the correct comparative form of the adjective pretty?

Neither. Pretty is the positive degree. The comparative is prettier; the superlative is prettiest.

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A comparative adjective would be used in that sentence. "Rhode Island is smaller than Maine."

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What is a sentence for the word sharp?

i had to be pretty sharp to answer the word problem correctly.

How do you use kinder in a sentence?

The word kinder is the comparative form of the adjective kind. Example sentence: It's much kinder to say nothing when your friend is not looking their best.

What are the superlative and commparative adjectives of the sentence The constitution guarantees free speech?

In that sentence, the only adjective is "free." The comparative and superlative forms of free are freer and freest respectively.

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What is a sentence using the quicker?

The word 'quicker' is the comparative form of the adjective 'quick' (quicker, quickest). Example sentence: The quicker bird grabbed the bread crust while the other squawked in protest.