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Q: Does thrush cause burning in the mouth?
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Oral Thrush what is it?

What can Thrush cause?

It can cause redness around ther and burning when passing urine

Can having mouth thrush go up into the nasal passages?

You can get oral thrush in your sinuses. Thrush is from a yeast infection and it can infect the sinuses and cause problems.

What are some symptoms of thrush?

Thrush can be a mild infection, but if continued to develop, symptoms may include a burning sensation in the mouth and throat. White patches on the tongue and in the mouth may be present and one may have a bad taste in their mouth and difficulty tasting foods.

Can Viagra cause thrush?

No. This drug does no cause thrush.

Can beer cause oral thrush?

Drinking beer will not cause oral thrush.

What is thrush in the mouth?

Oral thrush, or oral candidiasis, is a yeast infection in the mucous membrane of the mouth. It is a result of overgrowth of the fungus in the mouth.

Why thrush usually only infects in the mouth?

Thrush is a Type of fungi and fungi likes moist areas like mouth

Does oral thrush cause abdominal pain?

Here is some info on oral thrush there is no metion anywhere of abdominal pain. Oral Thrush appears as creamy white patches on the tongue, roof of the mouth, back of the throat and inside the cheeks. sometimes the white patches may not be visible and the patient may have an irritated and tender mouth with reddened, inflamed areas. Sometimes adults complain of a sore throat. severe infections may cause ulcers in the mouth. The corners of the mouth may become red and split as a result of Oral Thrush. This condition is called perleche and may cause erosion and fissuring. Adultsget a bad taste in the mouth and discomfort in eating, particularly if they wear dentures.

What is thrash of the mouth?

Thrash is nothing. Thrush on the other hand is overgrowth of yeast in the mouth.

If you had a yeast infection that wasn't really active yet and your fingers came in contact with the infected area and then went into your mouth is it very probable to pass the infection there?

My guess is that it's not probable. Candida albicans exists in your vagina... the infection is caused by an imbalance which then allows the yeast to overgrow. If your mouth is healthy for the most part the yeast won't be able to survive (I would be careful not to eat any sugar though, just to make sure).it is possable!!!! its called thrush!What is oral thrush?oral thrush is an infection of yeast fungus, Candida albicans, in the mucous membranes of the mouth. Strictly speaking, thrush is only a temporary candida infection in the oral cavity of babies. However, we have for this purpose expanded the term to include candida infections occurring in the mouth and throat of adults, also known as candidiasis or moniliasis.beware if you get this go to the doctors as soon as you seem to be getting signs of this.What are the symptoms of oral thrush?White, cream-coloured, or yellow spots in the mouth. The spots are slightly raised. There is normally no pain in the area underneath the spots. If you scrape off these spots, they leave small wounds that bleed slightly.In adults, thrush can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in the mouth and throat.

Is thrush a contagious or communicable disease?

The answer to this question is no. Thrush dose not infect normal skin tissue it is just a yeast infection of the mouth.