

Does tissue soak up water the fastest?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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cuz dey are wrongly made

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Q: Does tissue soak up water the fastest?
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Why do cacti have long roots?

cacti have long roots to soak up all the rain water

What adaptations do a river bushwillow have in the Savanna biome?

Deep roots to soak up water with. Thick bark to store water in the winter.

Does moss have cell tissue to transport water to other parts of the plant?

Because mosses do not have vascular systems to bring water through the plant, they grow in wet areas that are close to the ground. Mosses have to soak up water, and often when it rains they can collect water. If the plant runs out of water, it will go dormant until it becomes wet again.

What does The narrow elongated hollow cells that make up xylem tissue of plants allow for?

The transport of water and ions

What is ground tissue?

Ok well first of all if you are looking for a simple answer don't look here!! A plant is made up of three different kinds of tissue systems, dermal, ground, and vascular. Ground tissue is surrounded by the dermal tissue, which makes up the outer layers of a plant, and ground tissue is what makes up a majority of the inside of a plant. Ground tissue will provide support for the plant and it also stores materials in the roots and stems. Ground tissue in leaves are packed with chloroplasts, which is where the photosynthesis process makes nutrients for the plant. The ground tissue system consists of all three of the simple tissues: parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma tissue. Parenchyma is the most common tissue of the three and in cacti, the ground tissue contains numerous parenchyma cells which store water. Although those parenchyma cells store water, rigid parenchyma actually make up most of ground tissue in cacti spines.

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Use a towel to soak it up.

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it is DIRT

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Because it is a porous solid.

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yes they do.