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Too much acidity in your body can trigger certain headache disorders in specific people. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, consult a board certified headache specialist.

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Q: Does too much acidity in your body cause headaches?
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Maybe. Drinking water much than necessary can cause a little acidity. 'Coz it's cmposition contain slight acidic proton ion H+

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Hormone imbalances can definitely cause this, as can too much caffeine.

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No, high cholesterol cannot trigger headache. But it's unhealthy if you have too much. A little is actually good and necessary for your body to function properly. Almost all drugs used to treat high cholesterol might sometimes cause headaches

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Not sure. But I do know it can cause terrible headaches. Consuming too much salt can cause high blood-pressure.

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Not sure if that is a known side effect, but I have been on Foltrin for about 2 months now for anemia, and it is giving me killer headaches. I stopped taking it and going to my doctor tomorrow.

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both retaining water and being dehydrated can cause headaches. Drinking too much water in a short period of time with out getting rid of it, going to the bathroom, can also kill you. Your medications can also cause retaining water and dehydration. Check with your doctor if this is the case.

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not eating healthy and possibly not getting out as much as you should be (:

What causes headach es and fevers?

Well, two things cause headaches and fevers. But the two are totally different. A headache is caused when you get to much continual eyestrain or get to much stress put on you. A fever is caused when you get a disease that your body has not yet killed. In response, your body heats up, in attempt to temporarily control the disease until it can be cured either by your body, or by medicine.

What is a main cause of a migraine headache?

Many people suffer migraine headaches and the causes can vary. Some of the headaches are caused due to hormones and others can be caused by diet. Chocolate and dairy products have been found to trigger some migraine headaches.

Can sodium cause headaches?

yes it can. you need to watch out for sodium intake ESPECIALLY if you are African American. frequent headaches can be a sign of elevated blood pressure and elevated blood pressure can be caused by too much sodium

Can drinking too much caffeine make you have a stomach ache?

yes, drinking too much of anything will give you stomach ache! #2: Yes, caffeine prevents stomach muscles from relaxing, the cause of stomach aches. To combat this, eating apples and bananas slowly will improve digestion and your stomach ache.

Can a small posterior communicating artery cause headaches?

Headaches are the pooling of blood in the head so yes if it pumps to much blood their then it could.