

Does training make tamagotchi's grow

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: Does training make tamagotchi's grow
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What day do tamagotchis grow?

they grow one age older if you keep it on all day

When do tamagotchis grow one year?

every 24 hr

Can you make money on v4 tamagotchis with out playing games or connecting with other tamagotchis and if you can then how?

no but you can get cheats!

How do you make a friend in tamagotchis?

By connecting with the red thing on top of it!

How can you make your tamagotchis grow faster?

It grows as fast as it wants but just don't pause it unless you have to because that makes it grow even slower. Also playing lots of games and feeding it store bought food helps too.

Can tamagotchis dye?

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make sure they don't though.

How do you speed up a tamagotchis growth?

you have to debug it, but it can mess it up so dont

Are Tamagotchis similar to The Sims?

No, Tamagotchis are VERY different from The Sims since in the sims you create homes for your sims and control every part of their lives; Heck, you get to make their facial shapes and choose how they dress.

Can a tamagotchi have a baby by itself?

Well it depends what tamagotchi your on about I've been searching tamagotchis on the web for quite a while and I've learnt a lot so im thinking no because that's what tamagotchis are for your supposed to look after them yourself not watch them grow and have babies hope this helped... xx

Who is mametchi on tamagiochi?

Mametchi is the main character of all the tamagotchis! Or you could say mascot of all tamagotchis.

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