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Q: Does trifexis prevent ticks as well as fleas?
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Can you get poisoned from frontline plus for cats?

Frontline plus is very safe for both dogs and cats. Cats need about 20 times the recommended dose to have any sort of toxic affect. It should not be toxic to humans either, as the mechanism of fipronil and (S)-methoprene (the active ingredients) are targeted at fleas. However, it would not be wise to ingest it or use it on a human.

Is there a pill that you can give dogs to prevent them getting fleas?

Comfortis works well...can get it at the vet's office...kills fleas in about 30 minutes and protects them for one month...costs about $16.00

How can you protect your pets from fleas and ticks?

If you dont want to go to the vet and spend 100s of dollars, i clean my cat 3 times a week with lemon dish soap. It worked really well!

Can you use derbac on dogs?

You could, but there is no reason to. Derback is used to kill head lice, and there is no evidence that dogs can carry lice. If you intend to use it on fleas or ticks, well good luck. It likely won't work. What will work is to rub your dog down with cut oranges, lemons, limes, or grapefruit. It seems fleas and ticks hate citris, and citris is relatively benign for use on dogs. DO NOT use this home remedy on cats however.

What happens if you dont clean your attic after a raccoon?

Raccoon feces can carry roundworm eggs or larvae as well as other nasty organisms. Raccoons are almost always infested with fleas, lice and ticks which could get into your home.

What is something that feeds of other plants or animals called?

A parasite. These could include insects and pests like fleas and ticks, or things like tapeworms. I also believe that certain types of ivy and mistletoe are parasitic as well.

Is it safe if a dog eats fleas?

She cannot be around other dogs until she has been fully treated. A good way to check the dog is fully treated is to look at their stomach. This is the easiest place to see fleas and flea poop. Hope this was helpful :)

What are some effective products for flea control for dogs?

On the market there are many products to control fleas on dogs. The most well known being the 'spot on' treatment. This consists of a small drop of liquid being placed on the back of the dog's neck which prevent fleas.

Frontline for dogs?

What about it? Its a monthly topical medication that is placed in the middle of their shoulder blades to keep fleas, ticks and mosquitoes off. It helps prevent heartworms (transmitted by mosquitoes), Lyme disease (transmitted by ticks(usually deer ticks)) and anemia (by a lot of fleas biting and eating the blood). It works better then other topical that you get at wal-mart or using flea collars.

Will having your pet dipped keep fleas off the pet?

The fleas hate the smell so it should help for the most part. 2nd Answer: Flea Dips will only keep off the fleas for about 5-7 days at the most. You should use a monthly topical application such as Frontline or Advantix. You just apply it to the skin once a month and it will kill and repel all fleas & ticks. You need to reapply it once a month. You can find these products at the larger Pet Stores or Feed Stores or at your Veterinarian. These products work very well at killing and keeping off all ticks & fleas which in turn also help to keep your pet free from certain types of internal worms, such as tapeworms which are carried by fleas. Don't forget about preventing Heartworms too. You need to have your pet tested first by your Veterinarian to make sure it is free of heartworms before you start the once a month preventative.

Can fleas live without being on the dog?

well, fleas live on blood, so its possible

Do puppies die from fleas?

Fleas are one of the most common reasons pets are brought to my animal hospital. Often, owners have no idea that fleas are the root of their pet's problems. Ear infections, personality changes, anemia, tapeworms and hair loss are a few of the problems traceable to fleas. so yes they can die so beaware of fleas