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yes it does, floor spreading caused by shifting techtonic plates in active ocean

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Q: Does two plates moving apart cause sea floor spreading?
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Can volcanoes be cause by spreading tectonic plates?


Why is the spreading apart of plates considered constructive?

As the plates rub against each other, they cause the ground to move, creating an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.

Do colliding plates cause earthquakes?

Actually colliding plates cause earthquakes

What happens when tectonic plates push against?

It could either cause Spreading boundaries (when the plates move apart), collision boundaries (Where one plate collides with the other forcing one underground- can cause volcano's, or transform boundaries (When plates scrape along side each other- causing Earthquakes.

Do moving plates cause tornadoes?

No. Moving plates cause most earthquakes but have absolutely nothing to do with tornadoes. Tornadoes are caused by strong thunderstorms.

Do plates pulling apart cause volcanoes?

no but coliding plates create volcanoes

What does the spreading of tectonic plates cause?

Spredading of tectonic plates causes Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanic erruptions, etc.

What cause ocean ridges to form?

earths crust causes it

What causes plates to stop moving temporarily?

Friction causes plates to stop moving temporarily. The motion of the magma under the plates will cause the plates to move again.

What are rifts and what kinds of eruptions would you expect?

a rift is a crack cause by plates moving apart along ocean ridges. You could expect fissure eruptions.

What does moving of techtonic plates cause?

the moving of techtonic plates causes mountains and underneath the ocean they make trenches ect.

Do plate boundaries cause volcanoes?

Not per-Se, but plates pulling apart AND plates being overridden do cause magma upwellings.