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Since RADAR uses electromagnetic radiation, which travels at the speed of light and nothing can travel faster than the speed of light this can't be done.

Also RADAR and most other types of electromagnetic radiation cannot penetrate the crust of the earth. To get imagery of the earth's interior SONAR using very low frequency sound waves produced by natural earthquakes is needed.

The only type of electromagnetic radiation capable of penetrating the whole earth (and possibly forming images) is the very very high energy ultrahard gamma rays, but gamma rays of this energy would kill everything living anywhere on or in the whole earth in only a few seconds of exposure! The only possible known source of such gamma rays are nearby gamma ray bursters, but (luckily for us) so far the only gamma ray bursters observed are at cosmological distances.

Particles called neutrinos penetrate the earth easily and at more than 99.9% of the speed of light, but they are very difficult to detect and the solid materials of the earth are so transparent to neutrinos (the entire thickness of earth is more transparent to neutrinos than one inch of the best quality glass is to visible light) that no images could be made. Most of the neutrinos passing through the earth are produced in the sun as a byproduct of the nuclear fusion that powers the sun.

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Q: Does type form etc of energy particle etc exist that goes through earth safely invisibly etc Creates HD pics of whole earth inside and out each minute second ors Faster than radar Does job from space?
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