

Does unobtainium exist

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12y ago

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Unobtainium is not a real element. It is a pun on the word "unobtainable" with the standard suffix "-ium" for elements. It is often used to describe a rare and valuable substance in sci-fi works.

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12y ago
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Q: Does unobtainium exist
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Does unobtainium exist and what is it anyways?

Nope. It is a punn word for something that is hard to obtain.

Are there any sources of unobtainium on Earth?

No. Unobtainium is fictional.

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The rock that is being mined is called Unobtainium.

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Unobtainium does not exist. I caution against wasting answerers' time with this, although I'm sure at least some people get humor out of it.

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Uranium, cranium, and unobtainium.

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To get the super sledge you need 1.450,000 2.heavy sledge 3.unobtainium i dont know how number 3 is spelt so yeah you buy the unobtainium from the yellow guy that sells illegal items go to the laundromat and give the green guy the unobtainium

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In Block Story, unobtainium can be obtained by mining deep underground in search of rare ore veins. It is a rare and valuable resource that can be used to craft powerful weapons, armor, and other advanced items. Keep exploring deeper levels in the game and mining different ores to increase your chances of finding unobtainium.

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They are a great band and are worth the weight of their words and rhythmes in unobtainium.

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The Imperialists (Imperialism)were represented by the commercial entity the RDA Corporation which sought to exploit the planet's resources such as the 'unobtainium' .

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As of now, you can't. It's a purely imaginary item, constructed using nanotechnology, which is the unobtainium flavor du jour.

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-_- Another person who thinks they're all avatars.... sigh. The blue aliens who live on Pandora are called NA'VI. The AVATARS are the ones controlled by humans! The humans are attacking the Na'vi to get a fictional mineral called unobtainium. (Has anyone noticed the UN-OBTAIN-able part of UNOBTAINium?) Unobtainium is really valuable and sells for twenty million dollars a kilogram. Classic human weakness- money.