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Q: Does uptake of cholesterol by a cell require ATP?
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What requires ATP?

The uptake of cholesterol by a cell

What action does not require the cell to use ATP?

Diffusion does not require the use of any ATP.

Does a cell require mitochondria for active transport?

Active transportation needs energy.(ATP). ATP is produced by mitochondria

Is not part of the cell theory?

All life actives take place in cells #one answer

What mechanism is most likely used for the uptake of glucose by an intestinal cell located near the end of the intestinal tract?

active, ATP-fueled transport

What discovery did not contribute cell theory?

All cells require ATP for energy

How many molecules of ATP can a cell extract without oxygen?

During anaerobic respiration, a cell can extract two molecules of ATP per molecule of glucose through glycolysis. It does not require oxygen to generate ATP through this process.

Does exocytosis require ATP?

Yes, exocytosis does require ATP because it is a form of active transport. Cell change requires energy.

What molecule is known as energy currency of the cell?

The chief energy currency all cells use is a molecule called ATP. ATP is the main energy source that cells use for most of their work adenosine.

How do potassium ions enter carrot cells?

Active Uptake using ATP

Does the random movement of molecules in diffusion require enery in the form of ATP?

diffusion is a passive transport system in a cell, therefore no ATP is required from the CELL. the molecules, however may exert energy to move

Endocytosis does not require that the cell use ATP?

No, endocytosis is the storing of energy as opposed to exocytosis which is the use of energy.