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Q: Does using dryer sheets to cover up bong smoke work and are there any side affects?
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What is a sploof?

sploof is a cardboard tube stuffed with dryer sheets. used to get rid of smoke smell. exhale smoke through tube.

Does blowing weed smoke in a pillow work?

It will make the pillow smell nice, bit to get rid of the smell you'd need to blow the smoke through something scented like dryer sheets or deodorant. There is a devise specifically made for this. It's called a "spoof".

How do you remove fire smoke smell from dryer?

With an ozone generator

What type of smoke affects others who are near a smoker?

Second hand smoke... it is nasty >:(

Does smoke affect children?

...smoke affects everyone, but children especially, as they are still growing and developing.

How does tar and tobacco smoke affects the body?

slow suicide

How much does passive smoke affect non-smokers?

Its not "How much" if not "How does" it affects it cause when a non-smoker involuntarily smoke a person's smoke it affects him equally. That's my answer. It could improve.I'm not pretty sure. Good luck! ;D

What are the affects on the body if you smoke?

you can have a lung cancer if yousmoke too much.....

What is the product in tobacco smoke that damages the heart?

nicotine affects the heart

What is the effect of cigarette smoke on household plants?

If i test to see how cigarette smoke affects household plants, then it will be that cigarette smoke has shown to have an plants though it with oxygen.

How do you get the smell of smoke out of your clothes?

Throw them in the dryer with a damp washcloth for 15 minutes or so. If the dryer is a no-go for your clothes (check the tag) then they will have to be washed or dry cleaned according to tag instructions.

How do you get smoke smell out of a house?

The most efficient way to stop a room that you have smoking from smelling like smoke is to get a liter pop bottle. After removing the top of the bottle and emptying its contents, you then poke holes at the bottom of the bottle. Then, fill the bottle with dryer sheets. After you take a hit, you then blow the smoke through the top of the bottle, and the dyer sheets vent the smell out of the wholes poked at the bottom. Another way is to open up all of your windows, turn on the ceiling fan (if you have one in your room), and turn a table fan or other ground fan towards the window.