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Q: Does warfarin decrease your sex drive?
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Does taking vicodin for a long time decrease sex drive?

Yes, it may decrease the sex drive.

Can cervical cancer decrease a women's sex drive?

Yes. She is having a problem.

Can ovarian cysts cause low sex drive?

The ovaries are responsible, in part, for moderating levels of estrogen in the body. Ovarian cysts can cause fluctuations in hormonal levels, producing excessive levels of estrogen, which can decrease sex drive. it does not happen in every case, but it is possible. Ovarian cysts can often make sex painful particularly on deep penetration, if sex is painful sex drive is likely to decrease.

Does Citalopram decrease your sex drive?

Idk and i realyy dont know im only thwee (3)

Does Yaz decrease sex drive If you thought it was the SSRI Lexapro maybe it's the Yaz?

Yes, Yaz definitely decreases sex drive. I have none after taking it for a few monthes.. i am getting off of it!

Why does the sex drive of diabetics diminish after 60?

As we grow older, the bodys capacity of producing sex hormones decreases. Also the effectiveness of these hormones decrease.

Will warfarin increase or decrease the INR?

Warafin is a blood thinner so in theory it should decrease your INR but if your doseage is incorrect it could go either way ^^^^^ This idiot is not true. INR is a ratio of your clotting time compared to the nationalized ratio. If one were to take warfarin, their INR would INCREASE, not decrease.

What does low sex drive mean?

A high sex drive is rough, lusted sex. This is the opposite.

How can you decrease your sex wish?

thats hard i just have sex -pretty in punk

How fast does sex drive decrease in men?

A lot has to do with age, health conditions such as High blood pressure etc. deprassion medications and lifestyle. Then there is the factor of what the status and condition of his relationship is.

What side effects does dolo neurobion have?

If you take Dolo-Neurobion for pain one side effect it has is that it makes the pain go away and stay away all day after taking just one tablet. Another possible side effect for males may be a temporary decrease in your sex drive. I took it every day for one week and had little to no sex drive but I was pain free. When I stopped taking it my sex drive returned.

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