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Let us take the opposite track. Show me anything good about TV violence which even extends to blood-oxygenated Impact coverage of such things as distant forest fires and weather events. you know screamng headlines ( Twenty-six inches of SNOW!) even that is traumatic and distorted. news shoudl be objective not adrenalin coated.

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No, this has not been scientifically proven.

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Q: Does watching violence on tv cause people to be more violent?
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Use the word inure in a sentence?

Many claim that watching violent movies and playing games filled with violence will inure a child to violence and its consequences. To inure someone is to cause a hardening of feelings or emotions to a set of circumstances.

What does violence in media cause?

it can increase agressive and violent behavior

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The exact same things cause all violence. The object used to commit the violent act is immaterial. Violence is caused by people who refuse to obey the rules of society. Why they refuse can be biological, sociological or chemical or anything a lawer can think of.

How does violent video games cause violent behaivor?

They simply don't cause violent behavior. No evidence proves a link between violent video games and violent behavior. Video games are mainly used for stress release and entertainment, so if anything, they prevent violent behavior.

Do TV programs cause violence?

They do not, thought you shouldnt watch violent shows. Especially at a young age!

How the low degree of violence effects people?

Violence can lead to premature death or cause non-fatal injuries. People who survive violent crime endure physical pain and suffering3 and may also experience mental distress and reduced quality of life. Repeated exposure to crime and violence may be linked to an increase in negative health outcomes.

Is psychopathic records disappoint with their fans with the violence they cause?

It's not just because of the juggalo's and juggalette's causing the violence ya kno....i dont care who you are they are people all over the world causing violence not just "psychopathic records fans" People are going to cause violence, no matter what... this is like saying that tom and jerry causes violence in the world... We are just as violent as every other non juggalo. We just tend to be morre upfront about it.w!k!d Cl0wn l0v3 x0x0x0 -m3nth0l

Does violent video games and movies make people violent and more likely to commit crimes?

No violent games/films don't cause that behaviour. Its that parents blame video games/films for teens being out of control, doing drugs, gang-banging, etc. But as I said before violent games/films do not cause this behaviour. I should know because I've watched "violent" films and played "violent" games since I was little. I am a normal adult and am non-violent.

Are violent to blame for violent society and should they be banned?

Violent video games are not the sole cause of violence in society, as multiple factors contribute to such behavior. Implementing a ban on violent video games may not effectively address the root causes of violence. It is important to focus on comprehensive approaches that address mental health, social influences, and access to weapons to address violence in society.

Does watching violent TV cause a child to be aggressive and antisocial?

yes because some shows can be violent like family guy which a lot of older kids think is funny and watch it

How do vampires cause violence?

Have you ever known a Vampire to be that violent beyond its needs? Vampires tend to be secretive; try to operate without causing any disturbances at all. Any 'violence' caused due to a vampire's activities are usually the re-action of people to his/her presence.

What is the reason behind Violence in the name of love?

Possessiveness, immaturity and lack of self worth can work together to cause someone to become violent.