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Q: Does the water affect the size of mongo seed?
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What is the size of a mongo seed?

mongo is a shona word for bone marrow

Does the size of the seed affect the plants growth?

the answer is yes , seed size does effect the growth of th plant. for example,an avocado seed takes a hole 2 months to start growing well.

Does the size of a seed affect the way it germinates?

yes or maybe not it depends on the owner on how to do with it

Does the size of the sponge affect the amount of water absorbed?

The size of a sponge does affect the amount of water absorbed. The bigger the sponge the more water absorbed.

How does the amount of water affect the size of a wave?

I think the amount of water does affect the size off a wave and many other things such as weather,things in the water,and the conditions at the bottom of the body of water.

Does the size of the bath which an object is placed affect the amount of water which overflows?

No. It will affect the distance the water rises, but not the volume of displacement.

Does the size of a water balloon affect whether it breaks?

the more water the easier it breaks

What is the size of the seed?

About the size of a pea.

Does the size of a seed affect germination?

The size of a seed can play a role in how healthy the plant will be, but not how "big" it will be. If it's a very small seed, chances are the seed didn't get a chance to mature fully (the seed will most likely be white). If it's a large seed, it may be a specialized strain of marijuana (more potent). An easy thing to remember is; if the seed is white, then it's no good. If it's black, then it's probably ok. But there is no way to test this other than by "committing the crime" of planting one in the ground. In closing; no, the size of a seed does not necessarilly determine the size of the plant.

Is 8 0 seed beads and E beads the same thing?

No, an 8/0 seed is smaller that an E size seed bead. An E size seed bead is also called a 5/0 size seed bead.

What are 3 environmental variable that affect the size of population?

Water is one of the main environmental variables that can affect the size of a population. For a population to thrive water must be both available and safe for drinking.

Does the size of the apple determine the amount of seeds it has?

No. The number of seeds is determined long before the apple reaches its maximum size. It depends on the number of ovules in the flower, and the number of seeds that are fertilized and which then mature. Seed counts in various fruit varies from species to species as well as cultivar to cultivar