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Accually There Are Both Equal In Time Square Earth Helps Water And Water Helps Earth


Because theres Water In All 3 States That Help Earth Live On Space In The Air

And Earth Helps Water Fufill In The Lands Of Earth

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12y ago
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9y ago

Fire Beats Air

Air Beats Water

Water Beats Earth

Earth Beats Fire


Fire can burn the Air and destroy it

Air can carry Water and Water can't hurt Air

Water can drown the Earth; Earth can't hurt Water

Earth can cover Fire

But don't forget that they can hurt each other e.g. Water can put out Fire and Fire can evapourate Water!

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12y ago

If by Earth you mean Ground, then yes, at least in terms of Pokémon; I don't know anything about Poptropica.

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What pecent of the earth is water?

73% of the Earth is water, which is about 3/4.

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It is more correct to say that water is on the earth. Though the surface of the earth is mostly covererd with water, the operative word is "covered." The water covers most of the earth's surface, so the water could be said to be sitting on the earth. Which it is.