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Q: Does water repair damaged cells in your body?
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Why are cells called protein factory?

Because cells produce a lot of protein to build new cells, and to perform certain functions, and to repair damaged tissues.

What happens if cells are damaged during your lifetime?

The consequence of damaged stem cells will depend on the amount of damage, part that has been damaged and which part of the body it supplies. Stem cells are basically the source of all tissues formed in the body. Therefore, damage to the basic unit of where the tissues form or generate will depend on how extensive the damage is and the capability of the stem cell to repair itself.

What is needed for your body to grow and repair itself?

Mitosis is the process by which cells and tissues grow and repair themselves. You need plenty of oxygen and a healthy diet for body cells to grow and repair.Protein is particularly important for tissue repair.

In body's cell's name six basic needs of the body's cells?

They are same as what the entire body needs since we are made of cells. 1. growth-we obviously have grown (if not proportionally) from infancy. 2. development-as we mature, body shape changes as new structures and functions appear in the skin, the sexual organs, and other organs. 3. replacement-as old cells die, we need a way of replacing them with identical cells. 4. repair-if new cells couldn't take the place of damaged cells, we'd look like Swiss cheese by the time we reached adolescence. 5. Food 6. Water 7. Oxygen 8. Nutrients

Essential nutrient used to build and repair body cells and cells?

I am pretty sure that it is protein. Protein help build and repair muscle and tissue.

Related questions

Cells help to repair damaged parts of your body?

yes they do :)

What are the problems of having damaged cells?

Damaged cells are usually harmless. The body will reject those cells or repair them. You can read more on the added link.

What will protein do for your body?

Protein helps to repair damaged cells and build new cells in place of the dead ones. Body builders use proteins to build up extra cells than actually needed.

Why are cells called protein factory?

Because cells produce a lot of protein to build new cells, and to perform certain functions, and to repair damaged tissues.

Why do cells reproduce in an adult organism?

Cells reproduce in an adult organism for growth, tissue repair, and maintenance of the body. This process allows for replacement of old or damaged cells to maintain optimal functioning of tissues and organs.

Your body makes new cells to replace what?

Your body makes new cells to replace old, damaged, or dying cells to maintain normal function and repair injuries. This process of cell replacement ensures that tissues and organs can continue to function properly.

Why would mitosis need to occur in the body?

Mitosis is necessary for growth, development, and tissue repair in the body. It allows for the production of new cells to replace old or damaged ones, ensuring that the body functions properly and maintains its structure.

What happens if cells are damaged during your lifetime?

The consequence of damaged stem cells will depend on the amount of damage, part that has been damaged and which part of the body it supplies. Stem cells are basically the source of all tissues formed in the body. Therefore, damage to the basic unit of where the tissues form or generate will depend on how extensive the damage is and the capability of the stem cell to repair itself.

What would happen to the body if the membranes got damaged in the human body?

It depends oh how many membranes were damaged and what kinds of cells were damaged.

How are these nutrients used by your body?

Repair body cells and tissues.

Why is cell respiration used for animal cells?

animals take in food and oxygen. their bodies break the food down into nutrients.nutrients and oxygen travel to every cell in the body. the nutrients are used to make new cells,repair damaged cells,and create other materials that the animals body needs.

The cells in your body are largely made of?

The cells in your body are largely made of water, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA. These components work together to carry out essential functions like growth, repair, and reproduction.