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No. Water stays on a penny because of its cohesiveness due to water's strong intermolecular forces. These forces are due to its shape and properties as a polar molecule that is able to form Hydrogen bonds. The effect of the hydrogen bonds on a molecule this relatively small is very significant.

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Q: Does water stay on a penny because of the ridge around it?
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that lemon juice affects a penny because when you wash a penny with lemon juice, it's more cleaner than washing it with water

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Yes water makes a penny rust faster in water because the particles are nore affective and the coke does not have near as many particles as water well good luck with the expirementing that project!!!!!!!!

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There is NO pH of a dime or quarter or penny because money does NOT dissolve in water as being metal alloys

How can a penny float?

A penny will not float in water, mainly because it is denser than water. When the penny is placed in water, it displaces a volume of water equal to its own volume. Since the penny weighs more than the water it displaces, it will sink.So, in order for the penny to float, you must find a liquid that is denser than solid copper -- or whatever metal or alloy a penny is made of. Mercury -- which is a liquid at room temperature -- is denser than copper. Hence, a penny will float in mercury.Possibly surface tension may allow it to float.

Why does a penny hold water?

sit the glass of water on the penny

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The Atlantic ridge