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Q: Does weight or density play a bigger role in whether or not an object will break surface tension?
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Does weight or density play a huge role in determining whether or not an object will break surface tension?

Density plays a bigger role.

Is a dewdrop bigger than a puddle?

Definitely not! A dew drop is a single drop of dew held together by surface tension. A puddle is many many many drops, does not have a definite size, and the surface is flat.

Is 238 gram bigger than 237ml?

Both the terms gram and ml is different from each other; and correlated with density. When we multiply volume into density then we get mass of that body. So whether or not 238 gram is bigger than 237ml is totally based on the density of that for mercury(density-13.6gm/ml), weight of 238 gram is lesser than 237 ml.for oil(density-0.9gm/ml), weight of 238 gram is bigger than 237 ml.

How do you know whether something will float or sink?

It depends on the density of the solid, liquid, or gas. If the density is lower than water it will float. (Water's density is about 1). Also, if the volume of the solid, liquid, or gas is bigger than the mass then it will also float. It will sink if the solid, liquid, or gas's density is higher than water's density. :)

Why does the density of Saturn is much less than earth's even though it is much bigger in size?

Saturn is a planet made out of mostly gas. As gas has little mass, it is less dense than Earth. Remember that density is proportional to its mass and surface area.

Which has the bigger mass iron or magnesium?

You mean density?

Why a drop of oil make things look bigger?

A drop of oil as a result of its own surface tension (which is to say, the attraction that oil has for itself) forms a curved shape which acts as a lens, just like a magnifying glass.

What do you mean by population growth and population density?

Population growth refers to the increase in the number of individuals in a population over time, often measured as a percentage. Population density refers to the number of individuals living in a given area, usually expressed as individuals per square kilometer. Both factors are important for understanding demographic trends and the distribution of resources.

What caused surface tension in water?

Simple Answer:Surface tension is a consequence of the cohesive forces that keep the molecules all together. The molecules in water are attracted to each other by electrostatic forces. The essential point is that the water molecules on the surface are not attracted to the air molecule as much as to the other water molecule at the side and below it; this causes the water body want to reduce the surface area as much as possible. When something pushes to the surface slightly, this cause the surface area bigger and the cohesion forces try to minimize that, causing the tension we can observe.Same Answer Said Differently:Water has a somewhat higher surface tension than many other liquids becausethe disruption of the forces between molecules at the surface weakens the molecular attraction significantly and the molecular forces were rather large to begin with, so the energy lost in forming the surface is large.Surface tension is the force that resists deformation of a surface of a liquid. (Solids have this too, but that is more complex.) The cohesive forces in a liquid minimize the energy of the liquid by minimizing the surface area. It take force to overcome this cohesion and that results in surface tension.Water molecules are special in that they have strong dipolar forces and the force of attraction therefore depends substantially on the orientation of the molecule relative to one another. The surface restricts the number and orientation of neighboring molecules, costing energy and creating significant surface tension.See related links and related questions for more.Surface tension in water is caused by molecules pulling equally in every direction to create a net force of zero and preventing items to submerge.

Why is an umbrella opened to dry?

When the umbrella is opened its surface is now bigger than if it was closed. If the surface is bigger, the water evaporation will occur faster.

Is 16 pounds bigger than 18.5 pounds?

The object with the larger number of pounds has the larger mass, and the larger weight. Whether this object is also actually LARGER will depend both on its density and on its shape.

A small ball is is put on top of a bigger ball and left to roll down the surface of the bigger ball. Where would the small ball leave the surface of the bigger ball?

it will leave the surface of the other ball roughly 1/4 of the way down to the other end.