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Q: Does willow root wands really work?
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Can the noble collection wands work?

They can't conjure real spells, but they do have wands with illuminating tips.

Why do you need wizard of Waverly place wands?

you dont need a wand that is only for actors to use it pluse it is not real it dosent really work.

Do the wands from Harry Potter world actually work?


Do magic wands work?

Yes. Many practitioners have at least one and often several wands. Wands are used to store and channel power during magical works. The material the wand is made from can often vary, different woods, metals, etc. work better for different spells and influences.

Are magic wands real?

The short answer is Yes. Many practitioners use wands to direct energies in their work. The type of wood, metal or other materials have a lot to do with the uses it is put to. However, the magic wands seen on TV, in movies and read about in books are not real.

Wicker work material?


Do Harry Potter wands work?

Not for "fantasy" style magic! You gotta use your imagination!

Does Willow Tree leaves work just as good as Willow Bark for the Aspirin?

The willow tree leaves do work just as good as the bark to make Aspirin. The leaves and bark are often combined to make medicine.

How does a spleen work with other systems to keep the body healthy?

we wave our magic wands and it happens

Where does Willow Smith work at?

singing of course

Do Merlins realm magic wands actually work?

Like on TV? No. TV is FAKE, The wands offered at Merlin's Realm are for conducting bio-photons and other subtle energies within the body. With that said, wands are tools, not supernatural items that cast spells for you. This is a metaphysical oriented question, if you are not metaphysical please do not alter this answer.

Where did Willow Smith work and live?

She is way to yong to work and she lives in hollywood