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Offset means to reduce

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Q: Does wind and rain offset each other?
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Related questions

How does wind affect rain?

Wind can affect rain by moving the rain clouds so the rain moves to other areas. The wind also blows rain so it falls at an angle instead of straight down.

What are the wind patterns in the Amazon rain forest?

there is no wind in the amazon rain forest.

What is a wind that can bring heavy rain?

A strong wind that can bring heavy rain

What is a strong wind that can bring rain?

A strong wind that can bring heavy rain

Is this a compound sentence Rain and heavy wind cause damage along the coast?

This sentence has a compound subject, rain and wind. A compound sentence has two independent clauses (each have a subject and a verb). An example of a compound sentence would be "The rain caused major flooding, and the heavy wind damaged buildings and trees."

Are offset outdoor umbrellas practical?

Offset umbrellas are very practical, but are pricier than regular umbrellas, offset are practical as they shade you from the sun and the cold wind of the night.

If theres no water where did rain and snow come from?

Rain and snow can come from the wind displacing the water vapor or clouds in other regions.

What is wind rain?

wind rain is where its raining and windy a the same time because it windy the rain will be heavier but will move on quicker

What in wind?

wind is when worm molicules and cold molicules crash into each other

What does hard rain and hard wind mean?

I think it means the strength and the speed of the rain and wind.

Which rocks are exposed to wind rain and ice?

Which rocks are exposed to more wind, rain, and ice

Does the wind dry up the rain?

Wind can help to dry up rain by increasing evaporation, dispersing the moisture, and reducing humidity in the air. However, the wind alone cannot completely dry up rain, as other factors such as temperature and sunlight also play a significant role in the evaporation process.