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Create, probably not, but they do make them worse, once they're formed.

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Q: Does wind erosion make potholes too?
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Related questions

How can topsoil be lost?

water and wind can quickly carry soil away in the process of erosion

Does wind erosion only happen in day?

no, it happens at night too. in fact,it can happen anytime(if there is wind,and something to erode).

What is the Grand Canyon all about?

It is to point out wind and water erosion and it is a pretty sight. Warm too.

What is the wearing away of the earth's surface?


What does not help cause soil erosion?

Soil erosion is not helped by tilling too deeply. Wind and water will then carry the soil away. Minimum tillage is the best way to prevent soil erosion.

What is the movement by wind water or gravity of soil from one place to another called?

This process is called erosion. Water, such as during rainfall or at the banks of a river, can carry soil particles away, often depositing them many miles away or into the ocean. Wind can only carry smaller soil particles, but it too can carry particles several miles away.

How do you make wind?

all you have too do to create wind is fart and burp

What are the primary agents of physical erosion?

Wind, water, glaciers, and gravity. Plant roots can also move around earth at the crust, too.

What are the three kinds of erosion?

Erosion is the process of the movement of materials from one place to another, and the four agents of erosion are ice, water, wind, and gravity. Two types of glacial erosion are plucking and abrasion

Why doesn't the council do something about potholes?

probaly cos the cant be bothered or they dont have money or too many of them

How does wind work as an agent of erosion as well as an agent of deposition?

Erosion is defined as the movement of material from one place to another place. Wind, although the weakest agent of erosion, is still able to move sand, silt, and clay particles without too much effort; with increased speed, wind is capable of knocking down buildings. When the wind that is carrying material loses velocity, it reaches a point where it can no longer overcome the force of gravity, and the material stops its movement. If the material no longer moves, it has been deposited. Even in this scenario, the major agent of deposition is gravity.

How do winds affect weather?

Wind. When wind blows across sediment it lifts it up and carries it. wind may leave behind particles way too heavy to move. The agent of erosion, wind, of the land is called deflation. Deflation causes the land to move/migrate or lower the surface.