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Solids are generally better (more efficient) heat conductors than liquids, which are better heat conductors than gases. Metals are the most efficient heat conductors because they contain so many free charge carriers (electrons), which carry heat efficiently -- it is difficult to keep an iron rod cold at one end and hot at the other. Plastic is probably the worst heat conductor (good heat insulator) among solids, because plastic material has few charge carriers. A piece of solid wood would be a marginal insulator from cold -- it has a finite amount of charge carriers from the moisture in the wood.

With that said, the more porous the wood, the better heat insulator it is, because it has more air bubbles/pockets to do the insulation. A better construction of a cold barrier will be using two or more sheets of solid wood with a gap in between two adjacent sheets.

Cork which is a wood product and used to be extensively used as an insulator, nowadays displaced by better materials.

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