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I'm not relay sure I'm sorry I need an answer to but i hear this method a lot to. i hear drink a lot of green tea and cranberry juice and you should be good in 3 days to a week depending on how much you smoke and your body weight marijuana stores in your fat cells so if your fat your outta luck your better off getting fake urine or detox kits.

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8y ago

Yes! If you don't eat unhealthy all day and have one cup with two tea bags morning and night for about 10 - 14 days, it will be either completely out of your system are the levels will be low enough to pass a standard urine test. I know because I would test myself with at home drug test as a experiment and it worked!

i suggest it to my people with CARDIO detoxin gTHC without cardio is pointless. how much time you need depends on your history . daily user with a week or even less may as well use synthetic like " FAKE IT "

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14y ago

No. Marijuana metabolites are fat-soluble, meaning that they are stored in the fat cells of your body tissues. The best way to eliminate marijuana metabolites from your system is to exercise regularly with enough intensity to burn fat. With time, your body will naturally eliminate these metabolites no matter what you do; however, it can take up to several weeks, depending on usage and your individual physiology.

What drinking lots of green tea (or any other liquid) can do is increase your urine output, which can dilute a tested urine sample. This means there would be fewer metabolites per given volume of urine; however, this doesn't actually reduce the number of metabolites in your body. If the metabolites in the urine are few enough to fall below the testing threshold, they may not be detected; however, more sophisticated testing techniques can detect those metabolites no matter what.

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Q: Does Green tea help clean your system of weed?
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No. Quit using and you will pass.

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No. Drinking water will not remove marijuana from your system.

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Dr. Weed~ no smoking marijuana does not help mask or clean you system it just makes it worse.. so if some one tells you to smoke to clean your system tell em to screw themselves and be smarter than them.. listen to Dr. Weed i know marijuana i smoke it myself..

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Nothing can clean your system of weed except time. There are products that can make it undetectable in your urine for a few hours, but that's it.

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Will it clean my system out for marijuana. <><><> No. Not smoking weed will clean your system.

Does water help clear weed out of your system?

No , water will not clean weed out of your system. Weed is a terrible drug , and is one of the most dangerous drugs. Weed is a life waster! Weed will stay in your system for a long while and could cause many illness's and side effects. SIDE EFFECTS - vivid colour , breast growth in Males , head pounces and much more. DONT SMOKE WEED. DONT WASTE YOUR LIFE!!

How do you use magnesium citrate to clean system of weed?

1. Keep it in a bottle. 2. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke some weed, take the bottle and look at it instead. 3. After a couple of months, your system will be reasonably clean of weed.

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Clean urine of pcp

What works to clean system from weed?

Time. Especially jail time, since it's marginally harder to get weed there.

If I have never had weed before but one night I had a small bite of a weed brownie how long is it until it is out of my system and I will be clean on a drug test?

Even if you had never had weed before that one night, a small bite of a weed brownie can linger in your system. It can take up to a month before you will be clean on a drug test.