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It goes up whenever you train Attack, Strength, Defence, Prayer, Summoning, Range, Constitution and Magic

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Q: Does your combatt go up working on def but your range is higher then your defence on runescape?
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Related questions

Is training defence faster then attack or strength in Runescape for higher levels?

In my opinion, defence for higher levels is not that hard, but takes time. Attack and strength are good to raise. I recommend training all of them.

In runescape what would be the best adamant weapon to wield with an attack of 35?

It depends what your strengh is, if your strengh is higher you should get a warhammer or battleaxe. If your attack is higher you should get a sword of some type_______________________________________________________________________Y..Yes, it would depend on strength BUT, it would also depend on defence, because there's no point in having a high hitting weapon that has terrible defence, but i'd recommend claws or halberd.add me on runescape - money mad54

What level are you if all your skills are 99 on RuneScape?

level 138. there is no higher level on runescape (for players)

Need lvl 80 or higher runescape account Free?

WikiAnswers will not provide the information to break the rules of RuneScape.

How do you pwn in RuneScape?

The higher the strength and attack the more you own.

How does trygru evoles?

it starts evolving at lv 20 if the attack is higher hitmonlee if the defence is higher hitmonchan

Who is stronger shaymin in land form or Darkrai?

Darkrai because he has more attack by 1, higher special attack by 1, higher speed by 1,lower HP by 1,same defence,same special defence and higher stats by 2!

In Runescape p2p pking what should be trained to do better with the current stats of 35 combat 50 range 30 attack 40 strength 43 hp 1 mage 1 prayer 1 def?

having level 1 defence is definitely going to affect your pking skills.....get you defence to AT LEAST 60....having a higher prayer level can help too.....get all of your combat stats like attack strength constitution and defence to 60 and you will do great!!!

What is the Runescape melee strategy?

It depends on how you want your character built, do you want to hit higher, more often, or not get hit as often. Also you can chose range or mage. My characters original build was 92 attack 99 strength 82 Defence 94 Mage 99 Range

What the best way for a level81 member of runescape to train defence?

kill green dragons and get 50k an inventory. its the best way possible!!! =) Correction... if you beat the fremnik quests which actually are very easy you can kill yaks. Yaks give you 300exp per yak and plus they are only level 20 something. if you don't feel like doing quests then do soul wars. in soul wars if you can keep your bar on the right side in the green for the whole battle you can get a zeal if you lose but if you win you get two. each zeal gives you 5000 exp if your defence is 70 or higher. if your defence is 90 or higher you get 7000 exp.

What skill lets you hit higher more hit points in runescape?


Who will win Lugia vs hoho?

i don't know who would win lugia has a higher defence but ho-oh has a higher attack