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If the biological parents no longer have their children but someone else have them, both parents will have to pay the person/government who has them. Even if they give up their parental rights. The child support order can only be changed in the court that issued it.

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Q: Does your ex have to pay child support if the children are taking by the ministry?
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If a father dies leaving wife and children Then wife leaves children to mother-in-law does wife have to pay child support?

Yes. It is only fair that the mother has to pay child support. It is no different than if a woman and a man had separated and the mother was a single mother that he would have to pay child support. It is about the welfare of the children, not about who is taking care of the children.

Does your boyfriend have to pay child support after your daughter dies?

No, since you are not taking care of the child anymore. Child support is not the same as support for you.

If you live with your husband and he pays another woman child support can you file to get child support from him too?

No. If the parents are living together the law assumes they taking care of the needs of their minor child/children (at least one would hope that is the case).

Does he have to pay child support the week he takes them on holiday?

absolutely, taking children on a holiday is part of being a parent and has nothing to do with childsupport.

Is it possible to receive welfare checks without taking the father for child support?

Not in most States. It is the responsibility of PARENTS to support their children, not the State. The State will require the name of the other Parent who will either begin to pay support through the Courts or child support services, or be required to repay the State for taking the place of that parents financial responsibility.

My husband and I have been separated for over a year he's not paying child support can i take the children out of the state without his consent?

If you and your husband have been separated for over a year and he is not paying child support, you must consult a lawyer and have a custody agreement before taking the children out of state.

In what situations does one have to pay child support?

Child support is typically required in situations where one parent does not have physical custody of the child. In these situations, the child's daily expenses do not fall on this parent, and as a result the court orders them to pay child support in order to help with these costs. The amounts of child support to be paid are often based on a formula taking into account the income of both parents and the ages and needs of the children.

Child support is based off of what?

Child support is based of how much the main guardian spends on the child/children.

Can you get child tax with no income but child support?

No, children are not taxed.

Can you collect back child support if your children are now adults?

Yes, if a parent owes back child support, they will have to pay it until it is zeroed out even when the children are grown. The age of the child does not affect back child support at all.

He does not see his kids and they don't want to see him and there is a court order and we have a child to support our selves she is with a guy that has lots of money what should he do he wants to give?

Why has he abandon his children and why are you having a child with him? He should have fought for them. He cannot stop child support without an adoption taking place.

When a man with minor children marries a woman who doesn not have children does that change his child support?

the answer is unclear if she is working then yes it does but if she isn't then no unless the child is desabled then you still get child support