

Best Answer

no its does grow when its ditry a avrenge human hair grows a have of each month . the key of growing hair is be payince and have less breakege and dameage to your hair . take biotin and drink pleany of water

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Q: Does your hair grow when its dirty?
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If your hair is dirty does it make your hair grow?

mabeyno your Hair can't grow if you have a dirty or damaged scalp . Yes. If your hair is dirty, that means that is oily. Which is good for your scalp, therefore, causing your hair to grow faster. If your head is not oily, that means that it will not grow as fast

Does dirty hair make your grow faster?

No, not that Ive heard of

Will not washing your hair make it grow?

no, but it will make it dirty. If you want your hair to grow, eat healthy foods, take your vitamins, and exercise regularly.

Do nits like dirty or clean hair?

It does not matter. Hair is hair

Does dirty hair grow faster?

It is unlikely that dirt helps your hair grow faster as it damages your hair and cause it to fail out. Dandruff has not effect on hair per se, but can cause intense itching which can pull out hair when you physically attack the itch. So the answer is no, it doesn't. ---- No

How do you make your hair grow very faster?

Human scalp hair grows at a rate of about 0.4 millimeters a day (1/2 inch a month). Emotional distress can make it grow slower, but nothing is known to make it grow faster. Dirty hair appears to grow faster because it develops more "body" (yucch!), but in fact it does not.

Is there a difference between dirty blonde hair and blonde hair?

Dirty blonde is darker than normal blone. Sometimes, dirty blondes have a little burnette in their hair.

How do you make hair grow faster overnight?

Sadly you cant make your hair grow long overnight. But you can follow these tips to help your hair grow faster and healther in general. - Get your hair trimmed more often (keeps hair cleaner and healthier) - Refrain from using heat to style your hair (straightener, curlers, blow dryers) - Keep your hair CLEAN and HEALTHY. Dirty hair tends to be damaged, and proper nutrition will provide the elelments that hair follicles need to maintain growth and strength.

What do lice prefer better clean hair or dirty hair?

Lice prefer dirty hair than clean hair it's proven to be a scientific fact

What color hair does jesseMcCartny have?

he has dirty brown hair

Can you relax dirty hair?


Does zinc help your hair grow?

zinc does not help grow your hair selenium helps grow your hair!